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keep at Meaning in marathi ( keep at शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

येथे ठेवा, काठी, हार मानू नका, सुरू,

keep at मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

चैत्र शुद्ध प्रतिपदेला नव्या वर्षारंभादिनादिवशी साजरा होणार्‍या गुडी पाडव्याला महाराष्ट्रात गुडीच्या काठीची पूजा करतात.

पुणतांबा गोदावरी नदीकाठी वसलेले आहे.

या नृत्यासाठी वापरली जाणारी काठी छान सजवली जाते.

नदीकाठी अर्जुनाची चांगली वाढ होते म्हणून याला नदीसर्ज असे नाव आहे.

घुंगूरकाठी (ललित लेख), 2009.

नाशिक जवळच्या या नंदिनी नदीच्या काठी वसलेल्या टाकळी या गावी रामदासस्वामींनी तपश्चर्या केली.

हा गोवंश भरलेल्या अंगकाठीचा असून या बैलाचे वजन बऱ्याच वेळा ५०० किलोपर्यंत भरते.

उजाड रानात एखाद्या काठीवर बसलेला किंवा हवेत तरंगणारा आढळतो .

मॅरियन काउंटीचे प्रशासकीय केन्द्र असलेले हे शहर विलामेट नदीच्या काठी वसलेले आहे.

बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांचे वारसत्व लाभलेले भैय्यासाहेब चळवळीत इतरांचे काठी बनले.

ब्रिटिश वसाहतींपूर्वकालात या नदीकाठी राहणाऱ्या वुरुन्ड्जेरी लोकांनी या नदीचे नाव बिर्रारंग असे दिले होते.

सुरभी कल्चरल ॲकॅडमीतर्फे हेमा लेले यांच्या विचारांच्या निर्झराकाठी या पुस्तकाचे आणि ई-बुकसह अरे संस्कार संस्कार या मालिकेतील १५ पुस्तकांच्या इंग्रजी अनुवादाचे प्रकाशन ज्येष्ठ अभिनेते डॉ.

नंतर तलावाच्या काठी माती आणून ते एक चबुतरा करतात व त्यावर कात्री वृक्षाची फांदी लावून तिची पूजा करतात.

keep at's Usage Examples:

Cardiff"s fans to Wembley, and police reinforcements were deployed to keep at bay fans who had been sold fake tickets.

The castle had two large, curved bastions and a rectangular keep at its centre; the blockhouses to the north and south had three curved bastions.

Visitors are prohibited, and boaters must keep at least 200 yards from the shore to avoid disturbing the wildlife.

penalty arc, this indicates the minimum distance that opposing players must keep at kick-off; the ball itself is placed on the centre mark.

The game has no lives, so the player can keep attempting a level until they beat it.

Prentice donated land for the zoo with the stipulation that the city must keep at least 50 monkeys at all times, the zoo maintains an extensive primate collection.

In France, the keep at Vincennes began a fashion for tall, heavily machicolated designs, a trend.

Performers typically carry a couple of kanjiras so that they can keep at least one in perfectly tuned condition at any given time.

often keep at least one piece of livestock that was fed a special diet to fatten it up, thus making it more flavorsome when prepared as a meal.

Training duty in the Virginia Capes operating area and upkeep at Norfolk occupied her time for the remainder of 1952.

After germination, seedlings must grow fast enough to keep at least part of their crowns above floodwaters for most of the growing season.

The Château Comtal at Carcassonne and the keep at Rouen Castle, both in France, have reconstructed wooden hoardings, and.

In biblical times, people would often keep at least one piece of livestock that was fed a special diet to fatten it up, thus making it more flavorsome when prepared as a meal.


uphold, bear on, conserve, housekeep, maintain, pressurize, distance, pressurise, preserve, continue, carry on, hold over, hold,


discontinue, far, close, behave, rise,

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