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keep going Meaning in marathi ( keep going शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चालू ठेवा, या,



keep going मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यांनी सेंट थॉमसच्या हॉस्पिटलमध्ये वैद्यकशास्त्राचा अभ्यास केला आणि १८०८ साली भारतात ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनीच्या वतीने बंगाल येथे सहायक-शल्य चिकित्सक म्हणून रुजू झाले.

पृथ्वीच्या मध्य भागाकडील अतितप्त उष्ण द्रवरूप अशा लाव्हारसाची जाडी ४८७६ कि.

हिरोहितो यांना शोवा हे नाव धारण केले.

त्यानंतरच्या दोन कसोटी सामन्यांच्या मलिकेत त्याने एका शतकाच्या आणि एका अर्धशतकाच्या जोरावर १२२ च्या सरासरीने २४४ धावा केल्या.

त्यातून इतिहास व काल्पनिकता वेगळी काढता येत नाही.

शिवाजी विद्यापीठ, कोल्हापूर.

हा प्रांत सिर दर्या नदीच्या उजव्या काठावर फर्गाना दरीत असून येथील लोकसंख्या अंदाजे १९,७०,००० आहे.

ज्ञानेश्वरी-टिपण (शब्दकोश) (पुणे विद्यापीठ प्रकाशन).

) || || २१ || उजवा || उजव्या हाताने मध्यमगती || टास्मानिया.

पुरुष चरित्रलेख नागापूर हे भारतातील महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील वर्धा जिल्ह्यातील समुद्रपूर तालुक्यातील एक गाव आहे.

विद्युत दिव्यासाठी (४ नोव्हेंबर, इ.

त्यांनी मराठी व गुजराती भाषेत विपुल लेखन केले.

त्यांच्या राज्यघटनेने चर्च आणि राज्यकारभार विभक्त करण्याची हमी दिली आहे, त्यामुळे सरकारला सर्व धर्मांचा समान आदर करावा लागतो.

keep going's Usage Examples:

They ultimately decided to keep going until the end of the year, honoring their touring commitments, and then according to Franklin, take a bit of a time out.

When you have right on your side, it's easy to keep going.

— Tom Henderson "They were going to keep going until they got the outcome they wanted: the Russians winning.

She saw the song as an inspiration when things get tough to "keep going after it.

enough advertisers to keep going, and Roddick had to sell the station at a loss.

In end of April 2013, Jiang reassured that the minimum wage hike will keep going on starting 1 April 2013 based on what had been announced.

You just keep going – you’ve gotta keep going.

When the big bands struggled to keep going during World War II, a shift was happening in jazz in favor of smaller.

Malone, who was inspired to pick up a guitar by him, we can not only keep going but actually pick up the pace.

would start to do something - with a few minutes, with a beat, I’d just keep going.

StalinAfter the failure of the Leningrad Front, Stalin gave a new order on 22 February: to break through the Narwa defence, give a shock at Pärnu, eliminate the German forces in Estonia, direct two armies at Southeast Estonia, keep going through Latvia and open the road to East Prussia and Central Europe.

During the book, Casey's mother forbids him to keep seeing Sammy and takes away his phone, so Casey and Sammy have to meet up in their secret place, the graveyard, together at secret times to keep going out.

listeners tuned in that the station did not attract enough advertisers to keep going, and Roddick had to sell the station at a loss.


uphold, bear on, conserve, housekeep, maintain, pressurize, distance, pressurise, preserve, continue, carry on, hold over, hold,


discontinue, far, close, behave, rise,

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