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kab Meaning in marathi ( kab शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


घोडागाडी, मोडकळीस आलेली गाडी,

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kab मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

नाशिक ते नाशिक रोड दरम्यानचा भाग जंगलाने व्यापलेला होता आणि स्थानकातून शहराकडे जाण्यासाठी एकमेव मार्ग म्हणजे घोडागाडी किंवा टॅक्सीपैकी एक.

ऑटो रिक्षांमुळे शहरातील घोडागाडी कालबाह्य झाली म्हणजेच त्यांना संरचनात्मक बेकारी सहन करावी लागली.

प्रकाश पारखी हे कोंबडी, घोडागाडी, शेतावरल्या मोटेचा आवाज, पक्ष्यांचे आवाज पेश करतात.

घरी कुटुंबीयांना फिरण्यासाठी सारवट गाडी (छप्पर असलेली घोडागाडी) आणि ती चालवायला पगारी गाडीवान होता.

काही जण फक्त छंद म्हणून घोडे बाळगतात, तर काहींना घोडागाडीसारख्या व्यवसायासाठी तो हवा असतो.

घोडागाडी नदीत पडली आणि बाबासाहेब थोडक्यात बचावले.

अलिबाग किनाऱ्यावरून 15 मिनिटे चालत किंवा घोडागाडी करून जाऊ शकता.

kab's Usage Examples:

A plastic exhaust pipe was almost unthinkable at the time.

There are two variants of the dish; the variant that contains minced meat in its stuffing is usually served hot, meanwhile the meatless zeytinyağlı kabak çiçeği dolması (English: stuffed squash blossoms with olive oil) ) is served cold and consumed frequently as a meze with rakı.

He called the lyrics remarkable, the ballads unspeakably beautiful, and Carey's vocal and songwriting ability unlimited.

been encountered as a recreational drug sold and used in a highly pure smokable form.

Gonçalves"s impressive stewardship of the much unfavoured Angolans meant that remarkably the then 57th FIFA Ranked team in the world.

Praying Father) (1889–1984) was a leading Moroccan Sephardic rabbi and kabbalist who was renowned for his alleged ability to work miracles through his prayers.

Sheikh at-Turaihi describes Abbas"s appearance as resembling an unshakable mountain, with his heart firmly rooted, due to his qualities as a "unique.

Dacelo Laughing kookaburra (D.

He is remarkable, also, for the extreme delicacy and melodiousness of his verse-forms.

Technology pioneered through the AFTC led to remarkable advancements in aviation.

Most historians point to what the painter Apsīšu Jēkabs called the beginning of a cleft between the Latvian farmer and his farm hand in the 1870s, and by 1897 there were 591 656 landless peasants in what is now Latvia (compared to 418 028 smallholders and their dependents).

Halfbreed: The Remarkable True Story of George Bent, De Capo Press.

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