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instars Meaning in marathi ( instars शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कीटक किंवा molts मध्ये इतर डाव्या कंस,



instars's Usage Examples:

Chloridea virescens larvae usually have 5 to 6 instars or moultings, but there have been instances where 7 instars are necessary to reach.

In holometabolous insects, molts between larval instars have a high level of juvenile.

on which the later larval instars may feed, generally until the insect pupates.

Second instars appear early in the summer and adults.

Stictococcids have three female instars and five male instars.

Depending on the species, lace bugs have four or five instars.

final ecdysis of the immature instars.

According to Mulligan (1960), mites remain inoculative up to 24 hours after removal from infected plants and all active instars.

between nymphs in different instars are small, often just differences in body proportions and the number of segments; in later instars, external wing buds form.

The instar period of growth is fixed; however, in some insects, like the salvinia stem-borer moth, the number of instars depends on early larval nutrition.

often divided into five developmental stages known as instars.

through around ten instars as phyllosoma larvae — leaf-like, planktonic zoeae.

incorporating the exuviae from the first two nymphal instars and sometimes faecal matter and fragments of the host plant.

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