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insouciant Meaning in marathi ( insouciant शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

असुरक्षित, अनासक्त, बेपर्वा, उदासीन,


अनासक्त, उदासीन,

insouciant मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मानवी हृदयात चाललेल्या सद्‍भावना व असद्‍भावना यांच्या संघर्षाला काव्यमय बनवण्साठी योजलेले मानवी सशस्त्र युद्धाचे कविकल्पित रूपक गीतेने योजिलेले आहे; महाभारत हा इतिहासग्रंथ नाही म्हणून त्यातील योद्धे आणि युद्धात गुंतलेले शत्रुमित्रपक्ष हे केवळ कविकल्पित होत; असे महत्मा गांधी अनासक्ति योग या पुस्तकात प्रतिपादितात.

अनासक्ति योग - महात्मा गांधी.

महात्मा गांधी यांनी येथे आपल्या 'अनासक्ती योग' या पुस्तकाचे लेखन १९२९ मध्ये केले.

अनासक्त (निवडक कथांचा संग्रह).

अनासक्त वृत्तीने ईश्र्वरार्पण बुद्धीने केलेला प्रपंचच परमार्थ होतो, हीच त्यांची जीवननिष्ठा होती.

महात्मा गांधींच्या शिष्य सरलाबेहन (मूळ नाव - कथेरीन हेलमान) यांनी अनासक्ती आश्रम आणि स्त्रियांच्या कल्याणासाठी लक्ष्मी आश्रम अशा दोन आश्रमाची येथे १९४६ मध्ये स्थापना केली.

सर्वात प्रमुख आहुती द्यायची अहंकाराची- नंतर वासनांची! नियत कर्मविहित कर्म, स्वकर्म ही सगळी कर्मे, निष्कामतेने, अनासक्तपणे केली की कर्मबंधन टळतं.

insouciant's Usage Examples:

He was seen as: a glamorous figure with an aquiline nose, whose insouciant manner and casual references to "prangs" and drinking.

Bruce and Newborn, carrying dispatch cases, with Bruce, a non-smoker, insouciantly smoking a cigar (a rarity by this period of the war; and convincing evidence.

The insouciant Bobby Dazzler was a recurring character.

Bugs is an anthropomorphic gray and white rabbit or hare who is famous for his flippant, insouciant.

list, according to vibe "As seductive as an R"B vocalist, Aaliyah is insouciantly sexy on her second album the songwriting isn"t quite polished yet, but.

harpsichordist Wanda Landowska who said she "adored" playing it as it made her "insouciant and gay!" Landowska was responsible for the composition of several other.

with an aquiline nose, whose insouciant manner and casual references to "prangs" and drinking Pimms, while waiting for comrades to return, masked his true.

time the memory of Baxter slowing down the game to almost walking pace, insouciantly juggling the ball with instep, forehead and knees while Stiles, no more.

[His] grand and hilarious [entrance] scene, especially at the insouciantly zippy tempo Ross takes, provided a lift and exhilaration I haven"t felt.

Bugs is an anthropomorphic gray and white rabbit or hare who is famous for his flippant, insouciant personality.

The teenager's comment that flying a Harrier Jet to school 'sure beats the bus' evinces an improbably insouciant attitude toward the relative difficulty and danger of piloting a fighter plane in a residential area.

excitation, excitative, excite, excitement, incitable, incitant, incitation, incitative, incite, incitement, inexcitable, insouciance, insouciant, irresuscitable.

theology, high sacramentalism, and Socialist politics, expressed with insouciant wit and unapologetic élan, thrilled audiences, delighted admirers, and.


unconcerned, casual, nonchalant,


planned, formal, careful, concerned,

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