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in mint condition Meaning in marathi ( in mint condition शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पुदीना स्थितीत, नवीन, फॅन्सी,

in mint condition मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तीव्र राजनैतिक भांडणानंतर अम्रेरिकेच्या सरकारने न्यू होरायझन्स या प्लूटोला जाणाऱ्या नवीन अंतरिक्ष मोहिमेला निधी देण्याचे मंजूर केले.

२२ जानेवारी २०२२ रोजी दोन नवीन संघांनी निवडलेले खेळाडू जाहीर करण्यात आले.

गिबने केली होती, त्यांनी १९०१ मध्ये अमेरिकेच्या दौऱ्यावर नवीन सेल्युलॉइड चेंडू शोधून काढला.

ज्यांचा कंठ नवीन मेघांनी परिपूर्ण असलेल्या अमावस्येच्या रात्री समान काळा आहे, जे की गज-चर्म, गंगा व लघु चंद्राने शोभायमान आहेत, तसेच जे जगाचे ओझे धारण करणारे आहेत, ते शंकर आम्हाला सर्व प्रकारच्या संपदा प्रदान करोत.

आंतरराष्ट्रीय उड्डाणांसाठी नवीन टर्मिनलची पायाभरणी फेब्रुवारी २६, इ.

जुन्या दिल्लीच्या दक्षिणेला नवी दिल्ली हे शहर वसवण्याचा आराखडा तयार करण्यात आला तेव्हा, भारताच्या व्हॉईसरॉयच्या नवीन राजवाड्यासाठी विस्तीर्ण जागा आणि महत्त्वाचे स्थान राखून ठेवण्यात आले.

त्या कोरोनाव्हायरस विषाणूच्या प्रजातीतील पण पूर्णपणे नवीन असा हा विषाणू आहे.

नाइलाजाने वृष्णी, अंधक व भोज या तिन्ही यादवकुळानी, सर्व संपत्ति, गुरेढोरे यासह देशत्याग करून शेकडो मैल दूर पश्चिम समुद्रकिनारी नवीन द्वारकानगरी वसवून मजबूत राजधानी बनवली.

जेव्हा ती गाडी वळण घेते तेव्हा तिला नवीन दिशेत त्वरण मिळते.

विंडोज ११ मध्ये नवीन यूजर इंटरफेस (यूआय) डिझाइनचा समावेश असेल.

स्टॅग दलाल (Stag)- हा दलाल नवीन कंपन्यांचे रोखे्स प्राप्त करण्यासाठी कंपनी कडे अर्ज करतो.

किंताना रो मेक्सिकोचे सगळ्यात नवीन राज्य आहे.

परंतु नंतर जौनपूरचा शेवटचा सुलतान हुसेनशहा शर्की (१४५८–१५००) याने आपल्या काळी प्रचलित असलेल्या ‘पचडा’ नावाच्या लोकगीतात्मक स्त्रीगीतांना नवीन डूब देऊन त्यांवर ख्यालाच्या चिजांची उभारणी केली.

in mint condition's Usage Examples:

The 1893 bottle was in mint condition.

This set is now a collectible and, in mint condition, has an estimated value (2017) of £90.

ranging from 1d to £5 were issued, and they are most commonly found in mint condition.

on condition, with Mint State (MS) on the scale referring to coins in mint condition Mint (coin) Mint (disambiguation) Mint stamp New old stock Thorp,.

" Today, one of his violins (in mint condition) can fetch as much as "8,000.

most were damaged or destroyed in use so most existing examples are in mint condition.

issues were sold to collectors in presentation packs or as singles in mint condition, and therefore unused stamps are more commonly found.

The three lire stamp of the 1860 issue in mint condition is the most valuable Italian stamp.

marketed towards coin collectors as a way to obtain circulation coins in mint condition.

She tells Rahne about how she is always telling her to feel and claims that since Layla is not coming back, she will keep her iPhone in mint condition until Rahne returns to X-Factor.

propagandic value participants were quite cognizant of at the time, is in mint condition, showing the excitement and fun of the movement in its earliest days.

values ranging from 1d to £2 were issued, and are most commonly found in mint condition.


vacuolisation, subservience, vacuolation, atonia, dryness, ski conditions, atony, condemnation, need, susceptibleness, decline, diversification, xerotes, immunity, celibacy, dishabille, climate, standardization, fruition, comfortableness, guiltiness, resistance, discomfort, atmosphere, mode, motivation, despair, disorder, illumination, astigmatism, darkness, regularisation, pureness, noise conditions, soundness, participation, rustication, prepossession, psychological state, scandalisation, impurity, protuberance, anchorage, regularization, ascendancy, nudeness, dark, involvement, impureness, position, tautness, laxity, danger, dominance, mutism, prognathism, absolution, encapsulation, sinlessness, niche, ambiance, sanitary condition, urbanisation, hyalinisation, irradiation, deification, ennoblement, ascendence, leakiness, guilt, susceptibility, orderliness, ecological niche, polarization, uncomfortableness, hospitalization, mental condition, ambience, nomination, financial condition, emptiness, vacuolization, lactosuria, way, waterlessness, curvature, mechanization, safety, lubrication, control, preservation, desperation, rustiness, astigmia, unsoundness, economic condition, homelessness, normality, laxness, nakedness, innocence, purity, ascendency, brutalization, melioration, tenseness, deshabille, submission, frizz, unsusceptibility, fullness, normalcy, mood, state, mental state, iniquity, urbanization, demand, impaction, wetness, psychological condition, physical condition, eye condition, health, tensity, circumstance, malady, order, place, brutalisation, difficulty, polarisation, depilation, hopefulness, ascendance, diversity, hairlessness, physiological condition, physiological state, comfort, ionisation, stigmatism, status, serration, environmental condition, identification, whiteness, repair, improvement, declination, light, disorderliness, saturation, tilth, automation, situation, virginity, muteness, standardisation, exoneration, amyotonia, wickedness, nudity, mechanisation, facilitation, atonicity, hyalinization, mummification, ionization, silence, tension, scandalization, impropriety, reinstatement,


abnormality, tonicity, dryness, unsoundness, decline, comfort, danger, stigmatism, innocence, purity, improvement, safety, disorderliness, unsusceptibility, fullness, discomfort, guilt, susceptibility, orderliness, wetness, disorder, astigmatism, order, soundness, emptiness, impurity,

in mint condition's Meaning in Other Sites