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in need Meaning in marathi ( in need शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गरजेत, आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीत,

in need मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

प्रशिक्षित प्रशिक्षकाकडून घेतलेले पुरेसे प्रशिक्षण आणि आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीत घ्यावयाचे निर्णय यामुळे अपघातांचे प्रमाण बऱ्याच प्रमाणात कमी करता येते.

आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीत लोकांची हालचाल रोखण्यासाठी सरकार अशी बंदी घालतात.

भाग ५ च्या ७० कलमानुसार, जेथे हे शक्य नाही तेथे किंवा इतर कोणत्याही अनपेक्षित आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीत राष्ट्रपतींची कामे कशी पार पाडायची हे संसद निर्णय घेऊ शकते.

नैसर्गिक आणि मानवनिर्मित आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीतील जागतिक आरोग्य संघटनेचे मुख्य उद्दीष्ट हे आहे की "जीवनाचे टाळण्यासारखे नुकसान, रोग आणि अपंगत्वाचे ओझे कमी करण्यासाठी" देश आणि इतर भागधारकांशी समन्वय साधणे.

आपत्कालीन वैद्यकीय सेवांद्वारे रूग्णाला आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीत प्रतिसाद देण्यासाठी रुग्णवाहिका वापरल्या जातात.

राष्ट्रीय आपत्ती प्रतिसाद दल : आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीत मदत, बचाव व इतर प्रतिसादात्मक कार्ये सक्षमपणे हाती घेण्यासाठी ‘राष्ट्रीय आपत्ती प्रतिसाद दला’ची (NDRFची) स्थापना करण्याची तरतूद कायद्यात आहे व हे दल राष्ट्रीय आपत्ती व्यवस्थापन प्राधिकरणाच्या निंयंत्रणाखाली काम करेल.

१९६४ मध्ये, त्यांनी न्यूयॉर्क मेडिकल कॉलेजमध्ये मुलांसह महिला एमडींसाठी एक अनोखा रेसिडेन्सी प्रोग्राम सुरू केला, मदर प्रोग्राम ने रहिवाशांना सुट्टीच्या वेळी आणि आपत्कालीन परिस्थितीत मुलांची काळजी घेण्यासाठी मुक्त राहण्यास सक्षम केले.

in need's Usage Examples:

NiGHTS was once loyal to Wizeman, but eventually began to view what Wizeman was doing as wrong and in need of being stopped.

Somehow, Blizzard had lost his bodily power to generate cold and once again needed his battle suit to create low temperatures.

desperately in need of money, Roderick kills the cruel old pawnbroker, and rummages through her room for valuables.

Although in later years he could have traveled by train, Bishop Seybert continued his previous methods of travel because it allowed him to minister to people in need all along his route.

The game follows seven samurai as they fight off an immense army of mutants, cyborgs and other inhuman creatures in an attempt to bring about a regime of peace for those in need.

The latter was founded by Baptists to instruct genteel young women in what were considered acceptable goals of their time and place, proficiency in needlework, dancing, drawing, and penmanship.

By this time Adventure Galley was in need of fresh sail and rigging.

Green took to the streets of the city with a bag of sandwiches and a thermos flask, meeting the homeless and giving out food to those in need.

She is taken to a circular operating table and tied down whilst a breathing apparatus is attached to her face, followed by a thin needle drill moving towards her.

Philanthropic activitiesIn 1991, Vizard and his family founded the Vizard Foundation, which established Vizard House, a refuge for people in need.

the end of World War II, she started to raise funds for starving and shelterless women and children in need in Germany through the organisations CARE.

Intuitions involve a direct apprehension that is not mediated by inferences or deductions: they are self-evident and therefore not in need of any additional proof.

The fully expanded foam is pumped into areas in need of insulation.


relief, reliever, backup, stunt woman, locum tenens, match, substitute, peer, equal, stunt man, stand-in, surrogate, replacement, compeer, backup man, locum, alternate, double,


compression, increase, high relief, low relief, embarrassment,

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