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illegalized Meaning in marathi ( illegalized शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


अवैध घोषणा, डाकू,

illegalized मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

परभणी जिल्ह्यातील गावे डाकूपिंपरी हे भारताच्या महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील परभणी जिल्ह्यातील पाथरी तालुक्यातील एक गाव आहे.

त्यांना तुरुंगात नेताना वाटेत पोलिसांवर डाकूंचा हल्ला होतो.

डाकू हा सर्वात लहान म्हणजे जास्तीत जास्त २० सेंमी.

सावित्रीबाई फुले अंगुलिमाल बुद्ध काळातील एक डाकू होता जो नंतर गौतम बुद्धांपासून प्रभावित होऊन बौद्ध भिक्खू बनला.

एके दिवशी बसंती तळ्याकाठी बसली असताना डाकू तिच्यावर हल्ला करतात.

त्यांनी १९८७ मध्ये कामचोर या चित्रपट साठी "तुमसे बडकर दुनिया में ना देखा", "एक डाकू साहर में या चित्रपटातील हमनाशी आँखे " आणि पिघलता आसमानातील "तेरी मेरी प्रेम कहानी" अशी काही गाणी अलका याज्ञिक यांच्याबरोबर गायले.

अलवार डाकू (१९७८, लेखन, दिग्दर्शन आणि संगीत).

चंपक डाकूची भंपक चोरी.

त्यांचे मूळ गाव डाकू निमगाव (ता.

जय, वीरू व ठाकुर असे तिघे मिळून डाकूंचा हल्ला परतवून लावतात.

मराठीत अर्थ:- अतुलनीय तेज असणारे ते वेगवान घोड्यावरून पृथ्वीवरून संचार करतील आणि राजे म्हणवणार्‍या कोट्यावधी डाकूंचा संहार करतील.

illegalized's Usage Examples:

Therefore, Eve " Rave offers information about low-risk use of legal and illegalized drugs.

popular by the time they were illegalized), naphyrone appeared under the trade name NRG-1.

Honor killings was serious problem among Muslim communities until Iraq illegalized it.

informally designated by Batasuna"s ranks as the political heir of the illegalized Batasuna.

Portuguese and others, despite opposing English-only laws that, for example, illegalized church services, telephone conversations, and even conversations in the.

However, once Trotsky was out of the way and the Left Opposition had been illegalized, Stalin soon became alarmed at the danger posed to the Soviet state by.

Later in 2008 Proposition 8 illegalized same-sex marriage in California until 2013 (see below), but the marriages.

After the United Opposition were illegalized in December 1927, the Kulaks and NEPmen were emboldened and exerted much.

Guatemalan communist party who had worked in the shadows since it was illegalized in 1954.

ordinance was put into place, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, which illegalized discrimination across the country.

This practice had survived for more than 300 years and was finally illegalized in Ghana in 1998, although it was continued and no priest was ever tried.

Well, we’ve illegalized [sic] murder and drugs for a long, long time, and yet those crimes continue.

1945, when Großadmiral Karl Dönitz ordered a cease of promotions and illegalized subsequent awards.


veto, outlaw, disallow, criminalise, prohibit, interdict, illegalise, nix, ban, proscribe, criminalize, censor, forbid,


decriminalize, allow, permit, decriminalise, legalize,

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