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illegibility Meaning in marathi ( illegibility शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अयोग्यता, निरक्षरता, संदिग्धता,


निरक्षरता, संदिग्धता,

illegibility मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

नैसर्गिक भाषा विपरीत, प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा विकसीत केल्या आहेत ज्यामुळे संदिग्धता येऊ नये.

संदिग्धता टाळण्याच्या दृष्टीने माहिती वेगवेगळ्या रकान्यात दिली आहे.

हे कायदे इतिहासात हळूहळू घडत आणि बदलत आले होते आणि म्हणून त्यांच्यात अनेक कालबाह्य गोष्टी टिकून राहिल्या होत्या आणि संदिग्धता, विसंगती, निष्कारण गुंतागुंत इ.

सदरहु पंक्तीत आशय आणि अभिव्यक्तीची संदिग्धता आहेच.

विभावादींची योजना अशा औचित्याने करावयास हवी की, रसिकाला कोणत्याही प्रकारे संदिग्धता वाटू नये.

अर्थाबाबत संदिग्धता .

केरळ या नावाच्या स्रोताबद्दल संदिग्धता आहे.

गेल्ता / गेल्ती अशा रूपांच्या उपयोजनेतून क्रियेच्या पूर्णतेची संदिग्धताच नष्ट केली जाते.

या परिस्थितीत नेमक्या इलाजाबाबत डॉक्टरांमध्येही संदिग्धताच होती.

परंतु युरोप मध्ये अजूनही संदिग्धता आहे की, नक्की कोणत्या व्हॅलेन्टाईन नावाच्या व्यक्तिपासून सुरुवात झाली.

अर्थाबाबत संदिग्धता आणि स्पष्ट विश्लेषणाचा अभाव.

illegibility's Usage Examples:

property would not take them, as such currency would deteriorate into illegibility before they could be redeemed.

Though a 1949 fire left most of the paintings blackened to the point of illegibility, the process can still be determined.

Bruster attributed mistakes in the text of the additions to the illegibility of Shakespeare"s handwriting; the resulting mistakes have led to the.

many other names written in the ice that had melted to the point of illegibility, and he deduces that they melted because they were not in the shadow.

predominantly white society has made me attuned to the simultaneous illegibility and hypervisibility of my body, the watchedness that I mentioned is so.

of rabbinic literature) which has become pasul (unfit for use through illegibility or old age).

had undergone sufficient impression to wear them down to a state of illegibility.

The village of Bakal was originally known as Bakai, however due to illegibility of the dot of "i", the Pakistani Occupation Army pronounced and subsequently.

were written in orange juice; historian Anstruther argues that their illegibility indicates that Vaux was near-sighted and unaccustomed to writing.

that they have been reduced in size virtually to the point of complete illegibility.

Lettering, reduced in reproduction to the point of illegibility, is reworked for the size of the comic book page.

civil service script widely used in Britain which he thought tended to illegibility when written at speed.

blistered Charun Huths, Charun Lufe, and the fourth has crumbled away to illegibility.




legibility, comprehensibility,

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