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ill feeling Meaning in marathi ( ill feeling शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आजारी भावना, शत्रुत्व, किळस, द्वेष, प्रतिकूलता, कटुता,


प्रतिकूलता, शत्रुत्व, किळस, द्वेष,

ill feeling मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ब्राह्मणद्वेष्ट्या सत्यशोधक आणि फोडा अणि झोड अशा राजकारणपटु इंग्रजांची युती झाली.

५) प्राप्तांची सेवा, संतांची सेवा, द्वेष कर्त्याची सेवा ही सर्वोत्तम सेवा.

ज्या मनुष्याने राग, मोह, द्वेष व तृष्णा यांचा क्षय करुन संपूर्ण अकुशल कर्म व चित्ताचा नाश केला आहे, त्या कुसलकर्मि महापुरुषाला भगवान असे संबोधतात.

वंशविद्वेषाच्या वणव्यात श्रीलंका (श्रीलंकेच्या प्रश्नावरील पहिले मराठी पुस्तक).

त्याची मुलगी गुन्हेगारांचा द्वेष करते हे देखील त्याला कळते आणि म्हणूनच आपली ओळख समोर येऊ नये याची तो काळजी घेतो.

2019 च्या भारतीय सार्वत्रिक निवडणुकीच्या प्रचारादरम्यान त्यांनी नेपाळमधील लोकांविरुद्ध टिप्पण्या केल्या ज्यांचे वर्णन विद्यमान पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांना लक्ष्य करताना वर्णद्वेषी म्हणून केले गेले.

सदर दिवस हा अन्याय , द्वेष इत्यादी नकारात्मक भावना वाढीला लावणारा नसून एक ता, सद्भावना, आदर या मूल्यांची जोपासना करणारा असावा असा हेतू यामागे आहे.

गॉर्डिमर आफ्रिकन नॅशनल काँग्रेस पक्षाची सदस्य होती व वर्णद्वेष विरोधी चळवळीस तिचा पाठिंबा होता.

जयद्रथ हा पांडवांचा द्वेष करीत असे.

दक्षिण आफ्रिकेच्या वर्णद्वेषी धोरणांमुळे त्या देशावर बंदी आणलेली असतानाही न्यू झीलॅंड राष्ट्रीय रग्बी युनियन संघाने दक्षिण आफ्रिका दौरा केला होता.

ill feeling's Usage Examples:

Takechi, who learned of Izo's arrest, wrote in a letter to his home, 'it is better for such a fool to die soon, and how his parents would lament over him for returning unashamedly to his hometown,’ which indicates his ill feeling towards Izo.

words referring to the Blacks was crossed out to prevent any unnecessary ill feeling.

brother Egbert the One-Eyed, still feeling deprived of their heritage, marauded through Saxony and in 955 arrived in the lands of the Slavic Obotrites.

his ex-roommates of harboring ill feelings towards him, calling them "judases"".

area to reinforce the police shortly after 8 November riot caused much ill feeling towards him in South Wales.

the Tamil-dominated areas will not solve the national question, with ill feeling and further violence likely as a result.

Verban initially believed he was being ridiculed, but his ill feeling disappeared several years later when he was flown to Washington to meet.

Near the end of the play, when Hamlet tells him how ill all’s here about my heart, he suggests that Hamlet obey that ill feeling.

Realizing she cannot keep Mike from being happy, she gives the couple her blessing, despite still feeling uncomfortable.

This led to ill feelings on Henry's part towards his mother and the two often fought.

The filmed rehearsals were marked by ill feeling, leading to George Harrison"s temporary departure from the group.

Shortly after the season started Craven, still feeling the effects from his concussion the year before, was diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome.

sending convicted criminals in lieu of punishment, further creating ill feeling among ships" companies and sometimes introducing typhus (otherwise known.


ill-omened, unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated, doomed,


fortunate, achiever, lucky, privileged, successful,

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