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ill health Meaning in marathi ( ill health शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आजारी आरोग्य, आजार, आजारी,



ill health मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१२०० मधील मृत्यू maसिकल पेशींचा आजार.

११ ऑक्टोबर २०२१ रोजी, आयसीसी ने कोव्हिड-१९ साथीच्या आजारामुळे गट ब स्पर्धा रद्द केली, हॉंगकॉंगने सर्वोच्च क्रमांकाचा संघ म्हणून पुढील टप्प्यात प्रगती केली.

कॅन्सर हा संसर्गजन्य आजार नाही.

बिल्व या नावाने ओळखली जाणारी ही वनस्पती आतड्यांच्या आजारांवरील एक उत्तम औषध आहे.

येथे त्यांनी वेगवेगळ्या विषाणूंचा अभ्यास करून त्यांची ओळख जगाला करून दिली तसेच त्या विषाणूंमुळे होणाऱ्या आजारांवर देखील  अभ्यास केला.

पडवळामुळे चाई (डोक्यावर जागो जागी टक्कल पडणे) व अन्य आजार बरे होतात.

अन्नाच्या सुरक्षिततेसाठी, अन्नातून दूषितीकरणाचा आणि अन्नजन्य आजाराचा धोका कमी होण्यासाठी फळे योग्य पद्धतीने हाताळणे आणि तयारी यांची सीडीसी शिफारस करते.

मोहिमेनंतर सासवड येथे घरी परतल्यावर चाळीस वर्षांच्या अविश्रांत दगदगगीने पेशवा बाळाजी विश्वनाथ आजारी पडले.

हा एक जनुकीय आजार आहे.

गायीचे दूध रोज पिल्याने कॅन्सर, HIV, ह्दयरोग, रक्तदाब, मायग्रेन सारखे आजार होत नाहीत.

शेवटच्या सहा महिन्यांत त्यांचा आजार बळावला होता.

संपूर्ण स्ट्रॉबेरी वनस्पती औदासिनिक आजारांवर उपचार करण्यासाठी वापरली जात असे.

ill health's Usage Examples:

In 1914, after a productive career in the service of Russian opera, he was forced to retire due to ill health.

Commentators were extremely unhappy with the tone of the message and complained that Rein-Hagen's ill health had not affected his ability to work on other crowd-funded projects.

He served only two years, being released early on the grounds of ill health.

His poor health offered those in the Army who were dissatisfied with his leadership an opportunity to act, and on 8 January 1929 the first High Council of The Salvation Army convened, and firstly asked the General to resign due to his ill health, which, they said, was hampering him in the performance of his duties and decisions.

In 2013, Barton resigned from the office due to ill health, but he continues to serve on the editorial board of the periodical, Modern Church.

Since his mother was in ill health at the time, she accepted his award at her home at a later date.

Maurice had only recently managed to overcome his long-term struggle with alcoholism and Barry Gibb's wife and prematurely newborn daughter both suffered ill health.

Here is the picture of a relentless worker, frequently struggling with ill health, obstinate in his determination to make enough to live on, groaning under the self-imposed burden of his life of Wagner.

cancelled and then postponed until the fall of the same year due to Joel"s ill health.

On 27 June 2008 it was reported that he would stand down due to ill health.

Allen stood down as UUP treasurer in 2005, citing ill health.

Sarah Reeve was often in ill health, and died on March 30, 1797.

She nursed him during his bouts of ill health, and during the four-hour "sickroom cabinet" meeting of August 1930 "stood guard at the door, refusing entrance.


unfitness, unwellness, illness, biliousness, invalidism, sickness, affliction, softness, trauma, injury, dyscrasia, infection, pathological state, hurt, harm, pathology, malady, health problem, unhealthiness,


good health, fitness, wellness, ability, capableness,

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