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ill considered Meaning in marathi ( ill considered शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चुकीचा विचार केला, तर्कहीन, बेपर्वा, अविनाशी,


तर्कहीन, बेपर्वा, अविनाशी,

ill considered मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

रॉनी आपल्या भावाला पुन्हा सुरक्षित दिसण्यासाठी विनाशाच्या बेपर्वाईवर चालला आहे, जरी त्याचा अर्थ असा झाला की त्याला स्वतंत्रपणे संपूर्ण देश घ्यावा लागेल.

परिभाषा कोशाच्या या एकूणच ढिसाळ कारभारामुळे संपूर्ण यंत्रणेची बेपर्वा मनोवृत्ती चव्हाट्यावर आली आहे.

बार्बर आणि ओडियन यांना असे आढळले आहे की पुरुष सामान्य स्टॉक गुंतवणूकदार त्यांच्या महिला भागातील पुरुषांपेक्षा ४५% जास्त व्यापार करतात, ज्यामध्ये ते पुरुषांच्या अधिक बेपर्वापणाचे (जरी आत्मविश्वास असणारे) श्रेय देतात आणि पुरुषांच्या निव्वळ परताव्यामध्ये महिलांच्या १.

ill considered's Usage Examples:

This promotion, however, caused some controversy among the army, which still considered the Diadochos as the main person responsible for the defeat in 1897.

Yushania contains species formerly classified as members of Arundinaria, as well as one species that is still considered to be a Sinarundinaria by some.

It is not one of the more famous sagas, but it is still considered to be an entertaining story.

relationships may specify unique boundaries outside monogomous expectations of fidelity, that if violated are still considered cheating.

Despite this, the FCC still considered Paramount as controlling manager of DuMont due to the strength of the company's voting stock and their influence in managing the network.

Ancient Japanese did not have this distinction: the word midori came into use only in the Heian period, and at that time (and for a long time thereafter) midori was still considered a shade of ao.

Peakhurst Heights is sometimes still considered to be part of 'Peakhurst' by some residents of the area.

It is frequently argued that those aspects not contradicted by any subsequent legislation were still considered valid in 1890, and remain so today.

In civil engineering and structural engineering, serviceability refers to the conditions under which a building is still considered useful.

The album stands the test of time and today is still considered among the quintessential records of that period.

Despite the reduction in power, WBBM is still considered a Class A station broadcasting on a clear channel frequency.

He was also an actor, lyricist, and theorist, and he is still considered an important voice in Indian political theatre.

However, scrub typhus is still considered a rickettsiosis, even though the causative organism.


improvident, imprudent, shortsighted, ill-judged,


prudent, thrifty, provident, careful, wise,

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