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ill at ease Meaning in marathi ( ill at ease शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सहजपणे आजारी, स्तब्ध, गोंधळले,


स्तब्ध, गोंधळले,

ill at ease मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

परंतु पूर्ण पक्व झाल्यावरही या कळ्या न फुलता स्तब्धच रहातात,जोपर्यंत या वृक्षाला येणाऱ्या पावसाची संवेदना होत नाही तोपर्यंत कळ्या उमलून संपूर्ण वृक्ष नाजूक,सुगंधी,पिवळ्या फुलांनी बहरून जातो.

त्यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाने योगाभ्यासाची सुरुवात झाली आणि अरविंद घोष यांना अवघ्या तीनच दिवसात मनाची निस्तब्धता ही अवस्था प्राप्त झाली.

लाह्यांचे चौथे आणि अंतिम अर्ध्यदान वधू नवरदेवाच्या मंत्रोच्चार थांबल्यावर स्तब्धपणे करते.

या युगपुरुषाच्या अंतिम क्षणी सोयराबाईकडून केले गेलेले कटकारस्थान वाचून तर वाचक स्तब्ध होऊन जातो.

मध्येच आवंढा गिळायचे, क्षणभर स्तब्ध व्हायचे.

कौरव आणि पांडव या दोन्ही पक्षांतील योद्धे सारे स्तब्ध उभे.

नंतर शुभ्रा स्तब्ध झालेल्या अभिजीत आणि रडणाऱ्या आसावरीला सांत्वन देते.

तसेच मला आतां कोणी ओळखत नाहीं, मीअज्ञानांत पडलों असें त्यास ज्ञान होऊन तो स्तब्ध राहिला.

संगणक वारंवार स्तब्ध (हँग) होतो.

म्हणून तपांबराच्या या विरळ सीमाक्षेत्रास तपस्तब्धी असे म्हणतात .

 आपल्या छायाचित्रांविषयी बोलताना एकदा केविन म्हणाले होते, "त्या लोकांचे क्रौय पाहून मी स्तब्ध झालो होतो, परंतू नंतर या छायाचित्रांमुळे किमान अशा विषयांवर चर्चा तरी सुरू झाल्या.

ill at ease's Usage Examples:

But, like other followers of Wycliffe who had recanted, he was ill at ease at his betrayal.

Sir George had possibilities, But his flirtations made me ill at ease, And when I"m ill at ease, I kill at ease, To keep my love alive Sir Charles came.

as Canteen Boy had clearly understood what was happening and was ill at ease with Mr.

at Freddie"s house in Long Island, Emsworth finds himself ill at ease, chafed by his son"s new-found self-confidence, the result of his successes as a.

He was also painfully ill at ease among ball players, and Uecker disdained him for it.

She is bossy and pretty, but somehow "always ill at ease".

At first, she felt ill at ease in the Kingdom of Greece, but she quickly became involved in social and.

gathering he had ever attended; Lord Rosebery"s audience was obviously ill at ease"; Rosebery himself wrote in his diary that his speech was "even worse.

occur, as Canteen Boy had clearly understood what was happening and was ill at ease with Mr.

By the time Phocas ascended the imperial throne, Abraham, ill at ease with the lax morals of the monks living in the capital, changed his name.

With "no known treatment" for vorarephiles who feel ill at ease with their sexuality, psychologists at Toronto"s Centre for Addiction and.

He found himself ill at ease in Denmark, and after a spell in Italy, returned to Gemany, where in.

With "no known treatment" for vorarephiles who feel ill at ease with their sexuality, psychologists at Toronto"s Centre for Addiction.


ill-omened, unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated, doomed,


fortunate, achiever, lucky, privileged, successful,

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