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ignited Meaning in marathi ( ignited शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रज्वलित, जळत आहे, झेल,


जळत आहे, झेल,

ignited मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आजही, पवित्र जळत आहे आणि जगातल्या समर्पित अग्नीचा सर्वात प्रतिष्ठित दर्जा दिला जातो.

असे वाटते कि भूमी ही दिशा-दिशांना (सर्व दिशांना) अग्निने जळत आहे.

ignited's Usage Examples:

As a backup, engineers laid primer cord that could be manually ignited.

The Japanese collected petrol from the Allied vehicles which had been left stranded, shot and bayoneted their prisoners, threw petrol upon them and ignited it.

The powder filling was ignited by the shock of impact and hence did not require a fuze.

ignited the vapours from the benzol.

gallons of gasoline into her bilges, which was ignited by the engine backfiring.

It was normally laid in a protective wooden trough, and ignited by use of a torch or slow match.

Escaping gas that has ignited.

sewer, and were burned when the petrol ignited after someone threw a cigarette butt into the sewer.

nose air intake, protruding slightly into the airflow and ignited by a gas burner.

night of the 26th, the engineer"s yeoman accidentally broke and ignited a demijohn of turpentine in the storeroom.

An ignited tumbleweed may spread a fire across firebreaks and may even ignite buildings or structures that it stops against.

sometimes called the Hoodoo War in reference to masked members of a vigilance committee, was a period of lawlessness ignited by a "tidal wave of rustling".


lit, kindled, lighted, enkindled,


unilluminated, unlit, lightless, dark, unlighted,

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