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ignite Meaning in marathi ( ignite शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रज्वलित करणे, आग लावण्यासाठी, आग पकडा,


झलक, प्रज्वलित करा, जळत आहे, चिडचिड, आग पकडा, इंधन, प्रोत्साहन देणे, झेल, उत्तेजित करा, चमकत आहे, उत्साहित मिळविण्यासाठी,

ignite's Usage Examples:

As a backup, engineers laid primer cord that could be manually ignited.

with tinned food, and carries a cargo of two hundredweight of blasting gelignite.

The Japanese collected petrol from the Allied vehicles which had been left stranded, shot and bayoneted their prisoners, threw petrol upon them and ignited it.

the branch of chemistry that studies the transformation of coals (bituminous coal, anthracite, lignite, graphite, and charcoal) into useful products.

Unfortunately, while undressing, she has lit the gas fire, which takes a short while to ignite the inflated condoms stuck in the chimney, causing an explosion that demolishes the Bull Tower and kills her and Zipser in their moment of passion.

An ignition system generates a spark or heats an electrode to a high temperature to ignite a fuel-air mixture in spark ignition internal combustion engines.

The powder filling was ignited by the shock of impact and hence did not require a fuze.

caused the sulphur to ignite, melt and stream in a burning blue flame liquidised state from the windows.

ignited the vapours from the benzol.

All organic materials (that is, anything containing carbon) will ignite, but the higher the temperature a material has to reach before it flames, the safer it is.

highly exothermic; the resulting heat may cause additional burns or ignite flammables.

The Schöningen spears are a set of eight wooden throwing spears from the Palaeolithic Age that were excavated between 1994 and 1998 in the open-cast lignite.


kindle, conflagrate, inflame, light, burn, enkindle, flare up, combust, fire up, light up, reignite,


bless, curse, fall, lower, extinguish,

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