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idol Meaning in marathi ( idol शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



प्रेम भांडे, आदरणीय, भक्तीचे पात्र, निरपेक्ष भक्तीचे पात्र, प्रतिमा, देवता, ठाकूर, अर्चा, देव, मूर्ती, देवी,

idol मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

लंडनमधील व्हिक्टोरिया अल्बर्ट वस्तूसंग्रहालयामध्ये कंबोडियातील सर्व जुन्या गणेशमूर्ती पैकी असलेली एक मूर्ती आढळते.

एन्‌आर नारयणमूर्ती आणि गोपालकृष्णन यांच्यासह इतर पाच लोकांच्या गटाने इन्फॉसिस टेक्नॉलॉजी लिमिटेडची स्थापना केली.

७) प्रत्यक्ष कनकादित्याची मूर्ती काळ्या पाषाणातील मूर्ती अत्यंत सुभक आणि देखणी आहे.

मंदिरात मूर्ती नसून एक काळा पाषाण आहे.

मृत्यूपश्चात आपल्या सहकार्‍यांनी कृष्णमूर्तींचे प्रवक्ते किंवा वारसदार असल्यासारखे वागू नये असे त्यांनी कित्येकदा बजावून ठेवले होते.

मूर्तीच्या रचनेवरून ती १३ व्या शतकातील असावी, असे सांगता येते.

भव्य मूर्ती व मंदिराचा आतील गाभारा पाहून मन प्रसन्न होऊन.

सारनाथ येथील बुद्धमूर्ती आणि ग्वाल्हेरजवळची सूर्यप्रतिमा याची साक्ष देतात.

दर्शनातच आनंद देणारी ही मूर्ती आहे.

पण त्यांच्या फोटोत-मूर्तीत मात्र त्यांच्या हातात चिलीम दिलेली आढळते.

मुख्य पूजेची मूर्ती भोरच्या पंत सचिवांनी स्थापन केली आहे.

idol's Usage Examples:

Camphor laurel has six different chemical variants called chemotypes, which are camphor, linalool, 1,8-cineole, nerolidol, safrole, and borneol.

Ekambareswarar or Ekambaranathar, and is represented by the lingam, with his idol referred to as Prithvi lingam.

deals with his eccentric family, including his strict grandmother, his bratty sister, and a younger brother who completely idolizes him.

As a result, the other schools of Hinduism, including bhakti, were gradually relegated in the minds of the Bengali Hindu middle-class to obscurity, and often seen as a reactionary and fossilized jumble of empty rituals and idolatrous practices.

The Quran states, “And do not marry Al-Mushrikaat (idolatresses) till they believe (worship Allah Alone).

thou art The star, the idol of a wayward lot -- Earth cannot bring One dearer vision to me than thy face, Time cannot bring Forgetfulness! affection mocks.

The film was promoted by RKO's advertising department with the catch phrase: The star of a million moods together with the new idol of the screen.

and argues that using female god language would be equivalent to the reassumption of idolatry.

scullery maid and prostitute Aldonza, whom the delusional Don Quixote idolizes as Dulcinea.

"Furthermore, how will you endure [the Romanists"] terrible idolatries? It was not enough that they venerated the saints and praised God in them.

Fridolin's boundless optimism in the face of constant disappointment came to emblemize the Quebec spirit of survivance, and made him one of the first distinctly Canadian heroes of the stage.

The Fridolinades revues, consisting of comic sketches, songs, and monologues, were named for the often-featured character Fridolin.


god, golden calf, graven image, Juggernaut, simulacrum, effigy, image, joss,


stay in place, unimportant, lack, minor, inferior,

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