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idola Meaning in marathi ( idola शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



प्रेम भांडे, आदरणीय, भक्तीचे पात्र, निरपेक्ष भक्तीचे पात्र, प्रतिमा, देवता, ठाकूर, अर्चा, देव, मूर्ती, देवी,

idola मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

खुणावडे, रामपूर, घोलवड, विकासनगर, चिखळे, चिंबावे, आंबेवाडी, नरपड, ठाकूरवाडी, वाकी, झराळी ही जवळपासची गावे आहेत.

मालिकांच्या या शीर्षक गीतांनी रोहिणी निनावे, श्रीरंग गोडबोले, सौमित्र, गुरु ठाकूर, अरुण म्हात्रे, अश्विनी शेंडे, नीतीन आखवे असे चांगले तरुण गीतकारांबरोबरच अशोक पत्कींपासून ते नीलेश मोहरीर, राहुल रानडे अशा संगीतकारांची नावं घराघरात लोकप्रिय केली.

अविनाश ठाकूर,चिंटू ढवळे.

ये हाथ मुझे दे दे ठाकूर.

ओंकारनाथ ठाकूर यांच्याकडे संगीत शिक्षण घेतले.

बाबूराव ठाकूर पत्रकारिता पुरस्कार.

अलिबाग विधानसभा मतदारसंघातून २००४ मध्ये कॉंग्रेसचे मधुकर ठाकूर यांच्याविरोधात शेतकरी कामगार पक्षाच्या मीनाक्षी पाटील यांच्याखेरीज आणखी सहा मीनाक्षी पाटील नावाच्या उमेदवार निवडणूक लढवीत होत्या.

तिचे माहेरचे नाव सारिका ठाकूर.

सदाशिव रामचंद्र ठाकूर.

भारतीय यूट्यूबर प्रज्ञा सिंग ठाकूर तथा साध्वी प्रज्ञा (२ फेब्रुवारी, १९७० - ) एक भारतीय राजकारणी व धर्मगुरू आहे.

नरेंद्र लक्ष्मण ठाकूर.

ठाकूर ही भारतीय जनता पक्षाची राजकारणी आहे.

सर्वोत्कृष्ट पार्श्वगायिका- मोनाली ठाकूर, गीत- 'संवार लूॅं हाय सवार लूॅं संवार लूॅं हाय सवार लूॅं’.

idola's Usage Examples:

As a result, the other schools of Hinduism, including bhakti, were gradually relegated in the minds of the Bengali Hindu middle-class to obscurity, and often seen as a reactionary and fossilized jumble of empty rituals and idolatrous practices.

The Quran states, “And do not marry Al-Mushrikaat (idolatresses) till they believe (worship Allah Alone).

and argues that using female god language would be equivalent to the reassumption of idolatry.

"Furthermore, how will you endure [the Romanists"] terrible idolatries? It was not enough that they venerated the saints and praised God in them.

seemed to share the same opponents, but in reality turned towards the "tyrannic idolatry of inferior spiritualities: racist exaltation, national passion.

In the history of Christianity, iconodulism (or iconophilism) was manifested as a moderate position, between two extremes: Iconoclasm (radical opposition to the use of icons) and iconolatry (idolatric veritable (full) adoration of icons).

steps consisting of the punishments for heretics, Jews, idolators and hypocrites.

In ancient Greek literature, an eidolon (plural: eidola or eidolons; Greek εἴδωλον: "image, idol, double, apparition, phantom, ghost") is a spirit-image.

But when they reached the age of 13, Jacob busied himself in the house of study, while Esau busied himself with idolatry.

In Persepolis, the ancient Persian capital, the Muslim conquerors had hacked away the faces of the Medes and Persians depicted in the friezes, seeing in them an expression of pagan idolatry.

of Nuh"s community would say in an effort by the idolaters to ignore and mock Nuh.

In a third sermon he attacks the concept of fate, in the opinion of the idolaters, as the controlling factor in the life of a person.

The "wine" would betoken the excess common in idolatry, and the bereavement of understanding: the.

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