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get through Meaning in marathi ( get through शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

च्यामधून जाने, आगमन, समाप्ती, टेलिफोनवर लाइन मिळवा, मंजूर करणे, समाप्त करण्यासाठी, पास,

get through मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

|कौरवांनी केलेले विराट नगरातील गायींचे हरण आणि पांडवांची अज्ञातवास समाप्ती.

समाप्तीनंतर कार्तिक-स्वामी लागलीच येऊन भेटला.

कृष्णविजयाची समाप्ती या कालखंडात झाली.

युद्धसमाप्तीनंतर गांधारी आणि धृतराष्ट्र पांडवांसमवेत हस्तिनापुरी राहू लागले.

अध्यापन कार्य पूर्ण झाल्यानंतर प्राध्यापक विद्यार्थ्यांचे मूल्यमापन करतात आणि तद्पश्चात प्रथम सत्राची समाप्ती होते.

मासाप्रारंभी प्रतिपदेपासून पोर्णिमा समाप्तीपर्यंत पंधरा तिथ्यांचा शुक्लपक्ष किंवा शुद्धपक्ष होय.

अज्ञान, अस्मिता इत्यादी दु:खांच्या समाप्तीमुळे ज्ञानाचा प्रकाश प्राप्त होतो.

सरखेल कान्होजी आंग्रे  सुरस कथामाला, भाग ४ - कीर्तीच्या शिखरावर आणि अवतार समाप्ती, १९६८.

पंत महाराज बाळेकुंद्रीकर यांचे गुरू बालमुकुंद बालावधूत महाराज हेही अवतार समाप्तीच्या वेळी श्रीशैल्यजवळील कर्दळीवनामध्ये गेले, असा उल्लेख आहे.

गरजेची माहिती भरली जाते जसे 'डेबिट कार्डचे शेवटचे ६ अंक' आणि 'समाप्तीचा दिनांक'.

* चैत्री नवरात्र समाप्ती.

कार्तिकस्नान समाप्ती.

श्रीकृष्णाच्या अवतारसमाप्तीनंतर द्वापरयुग संपून कलियुगाची सुरुवात झाल्याचे सांगितले जाते.

get through's Usage Examples:

However, a boxer employing this tactic must have a great chin and great ability to withstand punishment to be able to withstand the punches that do get through the boxer's defenses and land.

The two were thrown from the cart; Kerr landed on her chest, suffering three dislocated ribs, and bruising on her arms; in order to get through her first round at the U.

'Take a woman like you to get through/To the man in me' is so direct in its expression of the unflinching cues of intimacy, you forgive him the occasional forced rhyme.

He concluded, Spartan: Total Warrior is a pretty fun, though derivative, action game that should keep you entertained for at least the six or seven hours it takes you to get through the story.

The racer tries to get through the course with the fastest time, while knocking down the fewest cones.

points on the lake are very marshy and have to be negotiated with a canoe or kayak; even then, wading may be necessary in the marshy areas to get through to.

Maggie plays along for a bit before interrupting the fantasy, stating that the past is not helping them get through the future.

during and after the war convinced many that "the bomber will always get through", and this belief influenced planning for strategic bombing during World.

He then gave [the] undercover agent an envelope containing US"1,000 for expenses, pictures of his wife, her address, the code to get through a gate, and the date on which to kill her.

The missile used a manual guidance system which required the launching aircraft to continue flying towards the target throughout the missile flight time, making it highly vulnerable to counterattack.

Unable to get through to her father, Melora storms out, leaving Robin behind.

The caliphal general Masrur al-Balkhi managed to slow down his progress by flooding the land outside Wasit, but the Saffarid army was able to get through this and he entered Wasit on 24 March.

With this revelation, he attempts to tell Amy this but she dejects him before the message can get through.


express, obtain, buy, gather up, come by, take in, charter, catch, partake, isolate, take, make, recoup, incur, realize, engage, garner, partake in, capture, pull in, rent, hire, recover, recuperate, get back, share, collect, press out, call for, win, inherit, repossess, come into, receive, realise, extract, bring in, pick up, get hold, accept, profit, acquire, glom, clear, reclaim, preempt, poll, borrow, have, earn, come up, luck into, turn, retrieve, regain, find, gain, win back, come upon, benefit, line up, lease, enter upon, purchase,


refuse, lend, lose, sell, falsify,

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