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get under Meaning in marathi ( get under शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अंतर्गत मिळवा, स्तब्ध, शांत करा, दाबण्यासाठी,

get under मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

परंतु पूर्ण पक्व झाल्यावरही या कळ्या न फुलता स्तब्धच रहातात,जोपर्यंत या वृक्षाला येणाऱ्या पावसाची संवेदना होत नाही तोपर्यंत कळ्या उमलून संपूर्ण वृक्ष नाजूक,सुगंधी,पिवळ्या फुलांनी बहरून जातो.

त्यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाने योगाभ्यासाची सुरुवात झाली आणि अरविंद घोष यांना अवघ्या तीनच दिवसात मनाची निस्तब्धता ही अवस्था प्राप्त झाली.

लाह्यांचे चौथे आणि अंतिम अर्ध्यदान वधू नवरदेवाच्या मंत्रोच्चार थांबल्यावर स्तब्धपणे करते.

या युगपुरुषाच्या अंतिम क्षणी सोयराबाईकडून केले गेलेले कटकारस्थान वाचून तर वाचक स्तब्ध होऊन जातो.

मध्येच आवंढा गिळायचे, क्षणभर स्तब्ध व्हायचे.

कौरव आणि पांडव या दोन्ही पक्षांतील योद्धे सारे स्तब्ध उभे.

नंतर शुभ्रा स्तब्ध झालेल्या अभिजीत आणि रडणाऱ्या आसावरीला सांत्वन देते.

तसेच मला आतां कोणी ओळखत नाहीं, मीअज्ञानांत पडलों असें त्यास ज्ञान होऊन तो स्तब्ध राहिला.

संगणक वारंवार स्तब्ध (हँग) होतो.

म्हणून तपांबराच्या या विरळ सीमाक्षेत्रास तपस्तब्धी असे म्हणतात .

 आपल्या छायाचित्रांविषयी बोलताना एकदा केविन म्हणाले होते, "त्या लोकांचे क्रौय पाहून मी स्तब्ध झालो होतो, परंतू नंतर या छायाचित्रांमुळे किमान अशा विषयांवर चर्चा तरी सुरू झाल्या.

get under's Usage Examples:

Perry is known for his abrasive playing style, with an ability to get under his opponent"s skin, which earned him the nickname "the Worm".

movie that can"t help but get under your skin", Variety wrote it was "highfalutin exploitation", blaming it on the Netherlands, writing, "It is, after.

to get under the low bridge.

He had the ability to get under the pack to retrieve the ball as well as deliver it with precision to.

Bob Backlund wrote in his autobiography that Nick had a great head for the game, a wonderful sense of ring psychology, and an uncanny ability to use his intelligence and cockiness to get under the people's skin.

Kaddour was voted back into the quarterfinals after Juan de la Rosa pulled out – a tactic by Jesse Brinkley, Anthony Bonsante, Peter Manfredo, and Joey Gilbert designed to get under Smith's skin.

Later, as Terror"s crew made ready to get underway, they discovered that a large, "old fashioned" anchor with a heavy chain.

These characters have a chance to land a critical hit for double damage against any target under a Hold or Sleep effect in both PvP and PvE combat.

As rehearsals get under way, we follow not only the emotional story examining issues of faith.

Sometimes I’m a sensitive guy and some of the things people say, they get under your skin a little bit.

kick intended to send the ball relatively straight up so players can get under it before it comes down (see hang time).

Hong Kong Football Association stated that the new Premier League would get under way in Autumn 2014, where it was suggested that the 2013–14 season would.

She managed to get under way again, and was escorted to San Pedro Bay by .


express, obtain, buy, gather up, come by, take in, charter, catch, partake, isolate, take, make, recoup, incur, realize, engage, garner, partake in, capture, pull in, rent, hire, recover, recuperate, get back, share, collect, press out, call for, win, inherit, repossess, come into, receive, realise, extract, bring in, pick up, get hold, accept, profit, acquire, glom, clear, reclaim, preempt, poll, borrow, have, earn, come up, luck into, turn, retrieve, regain, find, gain, win back, come upon, benefit, line up, lease, enter upon, purchase,


refuse, lend, lose, sell, falsify,

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