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get round Meaning in marathi ( get round शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

राउंड मिळवा, मनात आणा, खुशामत, आणण्यासाठी, बरी हो, टाळा, समजावून सांगा आणि पटवून द्या, बरे करणे,

get round मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

दुसऱ्या महायुद्धापूर्वी ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरच्या खुशामतीच्या ठाम विरोधात असलेला मॅकमिलन त्याच्या धोरणी व दूरदृष्टी स्वभावासाठी ओळखला जात असे.

परंतु ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरची खुशामत केल्याच्या आरोपावरून त्याच्यावर टीकादेखील झाली आहे.

शाऌ पहिल्या गणाच्या शाल्‌ (अर्थ खुशामत करणें) या धातूला पाणिनीने दिलेले नाव.

समाजाच्या खुळचट समजुतींची खुशामत केली आहे.

वरी खुशामत शाहण्याची परि मूर्खाची ती मैत्री नको.

दुसऱ्या महायुद्धापूर्वी ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरच्या खुशामतीच्या ठाम विरोधात असलेल्या ईडनने १९५६ सालचे सुवेझ संकट हाताळताना अनेक मोठ्या चुका केल्या व ब्रिटिश जनतेचा रोष ओढवून घेतला.

कारण त्यांना असे वाटते की स्वामींनी त्यांच्याकडे दुर्लक्ष केले आहे आणि आता ते त्यांच्या संपत्तीमुळे राजमाची नेहमीच खुशामत करत आहेत.

get round's Usage Examples:

The track was unpassable with the back of the field taking to the grass to get round the incident.

9 g) bullet, giving it a longer overall length, a higher muzzle velocity and superior performance as a hunting and target round, rendering the.

inspired by Holger Drachmann"s short story Vil han naa om pynten? (Will he get round the point?) written in 1875, but from earlier sketches it is known that.

To get round Norris's rules, Knighton used his guile to sign some unusual transfers, such as the amateurs Reg Boreham and Jimmy Paterson - the latter was the Arsenal club doctor's brother-in-law, and went on to play nearly 80 games for Arsenal.

"Pakistan web users get round YouTube ban".

his colleague John Lydon as: "a kindly, caring man…meticulous in those civilities we all intend, but do not always get round to… He took pains to make contact.

The object of a turn is to get round a given obstacle losing as little speed as possible, he wrote.

Allegations were made that the company had been founded as an attempt to get round restrictions of the Allied occupation authorities forbidding the revival.

9 g) bullet, giving it a longer overall length, a higher muzzle velocity and superior performance as a hunting and target round, rendering.

9 g) bullet, giving it a longer overall length, a higher muzzle velocity and superior performance as a hunting and target round, rendering the .

The first, published as a book to get round the prohibition of new journals imposed by war-time paper rationing, included.

in the most harmonious exquisitely constitutional manner: the ship, to get round Cape Horn, will find a set of conditions already voted for, and fixed.

To get round Norris"s rules, Knighton used his guile to sign some unusual transfers.


global, disc-shaped, pancake-like, wheel-like, globose, ball-shaped, globular, coccoid, bulblike, discoidal, bulbous, spheric, barrel-shaped, nutlike, capitate, bulb-shaped, orbicular, pinwheel-shaped, apple-shaped, goblet-shaped, ringlike, disclike, circular, discoid, pear-shaped, cumuliform, moon-round, disk-shaped, disklike, spherical, roundish, rounded, moonlike,


angular, square, uncoiled, oblate, prolate,

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