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fraternisation Meaning in marathi ( fraternisation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


इतरांशी बंधुभाव किंवा मैत्रीपूर्ण मार्गाने गुंतणे, विशेषतः शत्रूशी,


बंधुत्वाची मिठी -,

fraternisation's Usage Examples:

"RCA: fraternisation à la grande mosquée de Bangui – RFI".

friendship for affection and reports to the CO that they have engaged in fraternisation in breach of protocol.

These forbidden fraternisations intensely annoyed the penal colony"s Commandant, Captain Foster Fyans.

apartheid, submitting Aboriginal people to harassment, identity cards, fraternisation bans and curfews.

misogynistic and cynophobic tendencies, pushing away any attempt at fraternisation with women and having a dislike for dogs.

published posthumously) Bray, John Francis, The coming age devoted to the fraternisation and advancement of mankind through religious, political and social reforms.

Farron"s continued fraternisation with evangelical anti-"gay lobby" groups has been seen by the LGBT+.

the meeting with a Russian hero Ivan, the fight with him, then their fraternisation and mutual assistance in the search by Uruslan for Ivan’s daughter taken.

While Karl August Varnhagen von Ense reported about fraternisations between riflemen and revolutionaries in his Journal der Märzrevolution.

trainees are also exposed to media interaction, civic actions plus fraternisation, human rights and collection of intelligence and their analysis.

"actively disliked" authors, and as Cape felt "little affection" for them, fraternisation was left to the junior partner Rupert Hart-Davis.

Boredom was also initially a major problem, but as non-fraternisation rules were progressively relaxed high rates of venereal disease developed.

book of vows of Saint Gall and in the monks" registers of the books of fraternisation.


association, fraternization,


separation, disassociation,

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