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fraternised Meaning in marathi ( fraternised शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


भावासोबत राहा, खासकरून जर एखाद्या मित्रासोबत एखाद्याशी मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंध असेल तर,

fraternised's Usage Examples:

Jammes fraternised with other writers, including André Gide (with whom he travelled to Algeria.

From his single cell he fraternised with some of the Great Train Robbers.

The woman playing the queen (Number Eight), who had fraternised with Number Six during the game, is subjected to hypnosis to make her.

(Kaffir brother) was also often used to describe a white person who fraternised with or sympathized with the cause of the black community.

Alexander had once fraternised frequently with ordinary people, being known for his habit of making.

We jabbered Gaelic a good deal " fraternised much.

Lucerne, who was an eye-witness, records how the men from both camps fraternised, drinking and talking together.

activity while residing in Bristol in the 1810s and early 1820 where he fraternised with and supported local artists, especially Francis Danby and E.

In November, a Saxon unit briefly fraternised with a Liverpool battalion.

stopped at 50 paces, replaced their sabres in their scabbards, and having fraternised returned faithfully to the flags of their respective commanders.

Some island women fraternised with the occupying forces.

Christmas truce, where German and British front soldiers spontaneously fraternised, celebrating Christmas together.

legendary Christmas Truce of 1914 where British and German soldiers fraternised in No man"s land.

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