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fly off the handle Meaning in marathi ( fly off the handle शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

हँडल उडवा, राग येतो,


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fly off the handle मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यामुळे त्या दोघांना राग येतो आणि ते मधू आणि अजयला सोडण्यासाठी राजा आणि काजलला लाच देण्याचा प्रयत्न करतात.

बाबांचा राग येतोय पण करणार काय? कसाही असला तरी आईचा कंकू आहे तो.

उष्टी बोरे दिल्ल्याचा व रामाने ती खाल्याचा लक्ष्मणाला राग येतो.

शुभ्रा आसावरीला तिच्या आणि सोहमच्या लग्नाच्या निर्णयाबद्दल सांगण्यासाठी तिच्याकडे जाते ज्यामुळे आजोबाला राग येतो.

काही व्यक्तिरेखा त्याला आपल्या अगदी जवळच्या वाटतात, तर काहींचा त्याला राग येतो.

जाखादेवीला आपल्या धाकट्या बहिणीचा खूप राग येतो आणि ती तिचं तोंड न बघण्याची प्रतिज्ञा करते.

मेघना आणि आदित्य यांना हे न सांगितल्याबद्दल त्यांना राग येतो.

युधिष्ठिराला राग येतो कारण त्याला आपल्या कुटुंबातील पापे त्याच्या चुलत भावांच्या पापांच्या तुलनेत लहान वाटतात.

आईची शाळेतील प्रगती पाहून अपूला राग येतो.

fly off the handle's Usage Examples:

and ping-ponging intensity -- every time you think he"s about to fly off the handle, he dials his energy back down and powers up for another peak.

that she chose to send Suzanne home due to Suzanne being known to fly off the handle and the team felt the need to bond more and Suzanne was more of a.

"I thought he"d fly off the handle, but he didn"t," Jones said.

Lipshutz of Billboard said, "ScHoolboy Q"s lock-step rhyme schemes and ping-ponging intensity -- every time you think he"s about to fly off the handle, he.

Although immature and tending to fly off the handle, she assists Mike in organizing his struggling business, volunteering.

anyone giving romantic attention to Aoi, and it sometimes makes her fly off the handle.

They"ll fly off the handle, get crazy and leave.

Renee has said about the girls which causes Big Ang and Drita to fly off the handle.

finally opens up to Mario about her lack of trust in him causing him to fly off the handle.

added: "I thought Chloe should have decked Alf, but then I tend to fly off the handle and, anyway, it would have been difficult for her to have a good swing.

states, "the drums move at a ridiculous pace, the guitars practically fly off the handle, and the combination of growls and singing make for a sound similar.

adding that she is a bit more diplomatic than Izzy is and does not fly off the handle as fast.

Further, Leitzel was known to fly off the handle and fire then rehire her personal maid, Mabel Cummings, several times.


manage, coordinate, get to grips, control, mismanage, take care, deal, misconduct, come to grips, administrate, conduct, juggle, care, work, dispose of, mind, command, mishandle, administer, touch, direct, carry on, process, organise, organize,


disorganize, disorganise, original, understock, overstock,

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