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fly off Meaning in marathi ( fly off शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उडून जा, स्प्लॅश, बरे होण्यासाठी,

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fly off मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तिने बरे होण्यासाठी रुग्णालयात नऊ महिने राहावे लागले.

या खेळाचे सादरीकरण करण्यामागे काही श्रद्धा अनुभवायला मिळतात जसे दुष्काळ पडल्यास पाऊस पडण्यासाठी, शेतात चांगले पीक येण्यासाठी, जनावरांचे आजार बरे होण्यासाठी हा खेळ सादर केला जातो.

१९४० च्या दशकात इंदिरा गांधींनी फुफ्फुसाच्या आजारातून बरे होण्यासाठी काही काळ स्वित्झर्लंडमध्ये व्यतीत केला.

त्यातून बरे होण्यासाठी तिला बराच काळ उपचार घ्यावे लागले.

काहीं जीवघेण्या आजारात बरे होण्यासाठी यांची तातडीने गरज असते.

मध्यंतरी झालेल्या या गतिविधीचा परिणाम कॅटलीच्या आरोग्यावर दिसू लागला होता आणि त्यांना बरे होण्यासाठी १८४५ मध्ये ब्रिटनला परत जाण्याची आवश्यकता होती, परंतु त्याच्या युरोपियन वास्तव्यामुळे त्यांना युनायटेड किंगडम आणि इटलीमध्ये समकालीन हायड्रॉलिक कामांचा अभ्यास करण्याची संधी मिळाली.

जयललिता यांनी त्यांना रुग्णालयात भेट दिली आणि त्यांच्या नातेवाईकांना त्वरीत बरे होण्यासाठी सरकारच्या मदतीचे आश्वासन दिले.

fly off's Usage Examples:

A bit later, when the new Fantastic Four fly off to the prison, Franklin and Valeria are grabbed by Negative Zone creatures, but Lyja saves them.

made the first of her many ferry trips to the Western Mediterranean to fly off fighters to Malta; she was largely occupied in this task for the next two.

and ping-ponging intensity -- every time you think he"s about to fly off the handle, he dials his energy back down and powers up for another peak.

that she chose to send Suzanne home due to Suzanne being known to fly off the handle and the team felt the need to bond more and Suzanne was more of a.

"I thought he"d fly off the handle, but he didn"t," Jones said.

Some of these categories of artifacts were used as markers of chiefly office, which varied from one location to another.

Lipshutz of Billboard said, "ScHoolboy Q"s lock-step rhyme schemes and ping-ponging intensity -- every time you think he"s about to fly off the handle, he.

nation after the 1991 Advanced Tactical Fighter fly off, to have two stealth fighter designs in field-testing at the same time.

Although immature and tending to fly off the handle, she assists Mike in organizing his struggling business, volunteering.

This is further demonstrated when he did not take a suitcase containing 10 million dollars from Blake Dexter after killing him, instead letting Victoria dump the money on Dexter's body and fly off into the breeze.

They struck first on a David Justice sacrifice fly off Ramón Martínez in the fourth, but, after shutting out the Red Sox for four.

A really good flexi would make the magazine fly off the newsstands.

anyone giving romantic attention to Aoi, and it sometimes makes her fly off the handle.


wing, move, rack, travel, buzz, fly on, flight, go, locomote, soar, hover,


stay in place, bottom out, top out, miss, defend,

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