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flotation Meaning in marathi ( flotation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

फ्लोटेशन, तरंगणे,


व्यवसाय सुरू करत आहे, तरंगणे, योजनेची सुरुवात, फ्लोटिंग, दूर तरंगणे,

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flotation device

flotation मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

एकाच ठिकाणी पंख न हालविता तरंगणे.

पंखाची थोडी उघडझाप करून हवेत तरंगणे.

जहाजाचे तरंगणे हे त्याने व्यापलेले क्षेत्र, त्यावर असलेला भार आणि त्याच्या बांधणीसाठी वापरलेला धातू याच्या गणितावर अवलंबून असते.

शौच फ्लशच्या पाण्यावर तरंगणे म्हणजे शौचामध्ये न पचलेले अन्नद्रव्य शिल्लक आहे.

त्यामुळे हवेत तरंगणे त्यांना सोपे जाते परंतु झेप घेणे मात्र तुलनेत थोडे कठीण जाते.

flotation's Usage Examples:

First froth flotation is used.

beam, a delta shaped running surface, and a flotation bulge along the gunwale, or top edge of the hull.

Personal Flotation Device – It is recommended and in many locations required that skiers and barefooters wear a flotation device or padded wetsuit.

In Europe the most common process is froth flotation deinking.

Armbands may also refer to inflatable armbands used to assist flotation for swimmers or for use with.

air flotation is very widely used in treating the industrial wastewater effluents from oil refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants, natural gas processing.

The removal of frother downstream of froth flotation operations (known as frother stripping).

surface-area-to-volume ratio known for any rock type, long term flotation and beaching in the tidal zone, exposure to a variety of conditions, including dehydration.

refers to as the "Mouseketier" consists of threaded rods, nails, combs, doorstops, springs, squeaky wheels, ratchets, and a toilet tank flotation bulb.

An isolation tank, sensory deprivation tank, float tank, float pod, float cabin, flotation tank, or sensory attenuation tank is a pitch-black, light-proof.

agricultural wastes including fats, oils, and greases (FOG); dissolved air flotations (DAF); waste greases; offal; animal carcasses; and other organic-rich.

The lifebuoy is usually ring- or horseshoe-shaped personal flotation device with a connecting line allowing the casualty to be pulled to the rescuer.

Strategic Financing Tool for M"A (Orange County Business Journal) Financial sponsors profit from flotations in US (DowJones Financial News, 2007) v t e.


floatation, physical phenomenon,


opacity, transparency, debit,

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