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flounder Meaning in marathi ( flounder शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

फसवणूक, हक पाक, स्कॅटर,


फ्लाउंडर, राघभबोयल,


चूक करा,

flounder मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हे एसओ 2 आणि सल्फेट एरोसल्सच्या ऑप्टिकल गुणधर्मांमुळे आहे, जे सौर विकिरण जोरदारपणे शोषून घेते किंवा स्कॅटर करते, गंधकयुक्त अँसिडच्या धुकेचा एक जागतिक स्तर तयार करते.

त्यांच्या रामन परिणाम (प्रकाशाचे मॉलिक्युलर स्कॅटरिंग) या शोधासाठी ते ओळखले जातात.

भारतीय नास्तिक चन्द्रशेखर वेङ्कट रामन् (१८८८-१९७०)- त्यांच्या रामन् परिणाम (प्रकाशाचे मॉलिक्युलर स्कॅटरींग)करिता सुप्रसिद्ध.

घरगुती यंत्रणेच्या पायाभूत सुविधांमध्ये मायक्रोवेव्ह रेडिओ रिले, केबल, ट्रोपोस्फेरिक स्कॅटर, ग्लोबल सिस्टम फॉर मोबाइल कम्युनिकेशन (जीएसएम), आणि कोड-डिव्हिसन मल्टिपल एक्सेस (सीडीएमए) समाविष्ट आहे.

flounder's Usage Examples:

"These include two proteins from fish, the ocean pout and the winter flounder, and three very active proteins from insects,.

The southern (or armless) flounders are a small family, Achiropsettidae, of flounders found in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters.

Marine species like Fluke (summer flounder), striped bass, bluefish and weakfish are popular fish targeted by local anglers.

With no military experience he initially floundered but soon attracted the attentions of Reinhard Heydrich, who valued academic.

The team floundered, on the court and in the box office, with Wilt Chamberlain having left.

Species that occur here include bass, mullet, flounder, corkwing wrasse and gobies.

removed himself from the active roster so he could focus on managing the floundering Swallows.

Commission is currently conducting stock assessments for gulf and southern flounder populations in the Gulf of Mexico, which will inform the development.

As an adult, a flounder changes its habits and camouflages itself by lying on the bottom of the ocean floor as protection against.

differences; the scoophead feeds on small elasmobranchs, octopus, squid, and flounders.

milfordi, the armless flounder or finless flounder, is a species of southern flounder, the only member of the genus Neoachiropsetta.

Hippoglossus stenolepis, the Pacific halibut, is a species of righteye flounder.


stagger, walk,


pedal, cycle, ride,

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