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fallible Meaning in marathi ( fallible शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चुकीचे, दिशाभूल,



fallible मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्याची दिशाभूल करणे.

जागतिकीकरणविरोधी अनेक कार्यकर्ते सर्वसाधारणपणे जागतिकीकरणाला विरोध करीत नाहीत ते बहुधा जागतिक एकात्मतेला स्वरुप देऊ शकणार्या गोष्टी जसे कि लोकशाही प्रतिनिधित्व, मानवाधिकारांची प्रगती, न्याय्य व्यापार आणि शाश्वत विकास याच्या संदर्भात बोलतात आणि म्हणूनच "जागतिकीकरणविरोधी" हा शब्द दिशाभूल करणारा आहे असे वाटते.

काव्याच्या युद्धात शत्रूची दिशाभूल हे प्रधान उद्दिष्ट असते.

वापरकर्ते दिशाभूल करणारे दुवे संपादित करण्यास आणि ध्वजांकित करण्यात सक्षमअसतील.

ह्या योजनेबाबत जर्मनांची दिशाभूल करण्याचे, नॉर्मंडीमध्ये सेना उतरत नसून Pas de Calais ह्या ठिकाणी त्या उतरत असल्याचे भासवायचे एकहाती कंत्राट अर्थातच पुजालोला देण्यात आले.

जनतेची दिशाभूल केली जाते आहे.

अकरापर्यंत काहीही हाती न लागल्यावर त्यांना कळून चुकले की आपली दिशाभूल झालेली आहे.

ह्यामुळे जर्मनांची कुणीतरी जाणीवपूर्वक दिशाभूल करीत आहे हे ब्रिटनच्या लक्षात आले होतेच.

दिशाभूल करणारे संवाद साधताना,ते सरळ उघडपणे न मांडता,पुर्वग्रदुषीत गर्भितार्थाकडे निर्देश करणार्‍या प्रश्नाची रचना केली जाते.

साम्यवादी राजवटीतिल व्यक्तिस्वातंत्र्याच्या संकोच त्यांना आक्षेपाह॔ वाटला तसेच शेतीप्रधान असलेल्या या देशात कामगारवर्ग हाच क्रांतीचा अग्रदूत बनेल असे मानल्याणे आपलीच दिशाभूल होते असे त्यांनी मानले.

fallible's Usage Examples:

In what Keith Lehrer has called fallible foundationalism, also known as moderate foundationalism, the division between inferential and non-inferential belief is retained, but the requirement of incorrigibility is dropped.

Another is that moral intuitions are not a reliable basis for ethics, because they are fallible, can vary widely from individual to individual, and are often rooted in our evolutionary past in ways that should make us suspicious of their capacity to track moral truth.

Christian denominations that posits the Christian scriptures as the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice.

understand ‘tone of voice’ and he is not infallible, occasionally but understandably, acting on wrong information.

Other positions which seem to have been considered ghuluww by early writers were the (public) condemnation (sabb) of Abu Bakr and Umar as usurpers of Ali's right to be a successor of Muhammad, and the notion that the true Imams were infallible (maʿṣūm).

characters were all strong women who, whilst being independent, were also fallible.

However according to Dharmakīrti scripture is a fallible source of knowledge and has no claim to certainty.

Thus recent foundationalists have variously allowed fallible basic beliefs, and inductive reasoning between them, either by enumerative.

Dianetics purports to reveal revolutionary discoveries about the source of psychosomatic illness, neuroses and other mental ailments, as well as an exact, infallible way of permanently curing them.

To perhaps oversimplify, rigid adherence to infallible ancient teachings was believed to result.

Quranic inerrancy is a doctrine central to the Muslim faith that the Quran is the infallible and inerrant word of God as revealed to Muhammad by the archangel.

non-denominational Christian churches believe that the Christian Church is indeed fallible, as evidenced by the requirement of Christ"s sacrifice on the cross to.

It contained many insights, but proved far from infallible: Adamic predicted that America would prosper by eventually going left, i.


human, weak, imperfect, frail,


powerful, rugged, tough, controlled, infallible,

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