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falling out Meaning in marathi ( falling out शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बाहेर पडणे, भांडण, झाले,


बाहेर पडणे,

falling out मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तीव्र राजनैतिक भांडणानंतर अम्रेरिकेच्या सरकारने न्यू होरायझन्स या प्लूटोला जाणाऱ्या नवीन अंतरिक्ष मोहिमेला निधी देण्याचे मंजूर केले.

पेशव्यांचा 'दत्ताजी चित्तावर धरील ते करील' असा भरंवसा होता, मध्यंतरी तोफांच्या प्रकरणावरून दत्ताजीचें व गाजीउद्दीनाचें भांडण झालें होते.

त्यांचे 'संगीत प्रेमसंन्यास' हे तिसरे नाटक रंगभूमीवर आले, पण मंडळींच्या अंतर्गत भांडणांमुळे अप्पांना कंपनी सोडावी लागली.

त्यावरून भारतीय भाषात दोघांमधील भांडणासाठी सुंदोपसुंदी असा शब्द आला.

अकबरने आपले लहानपण शिकार, मर्दानी खेळ व भांडण-हाणामार्‍या करीत घालवले परंतु तो कधीच लिहा-वाचायला शिकला नाही.

मालती आणि नानीच्या भांडणात होणार राजाभाऊंचं नुकसान.

ड्रेको आणि हर्मायोनी मध्ये जोरदार भांडण होता होता राहते.

शाक्य आणि कोलिय यांची भांडणे आपण आजही भांडत आहोंत आणि गण-राज्यांतील दुर्बलता आजही आपण दूर करूं शकलों नाहीं.

पुण्यामधील नेहरू स्टेडियममधील सामन्यांच्या तिकिट वाटपावरून पुणे महानगरपालिका व महाराष्ट्र क्रिकेट असोसिएशन ह्यांदरम्यान भांडणे चालू होती.

आपपरभाव न ठेवता अगदी थिओशीही त्याचं कडाक्याचं भांडण झालं.

समुद्रमंथन केल्यावर देव आणि दानव यांच्यात त्याच्या प्राप्तीसाठी भांडण झाले .

वाड्यात ट्रस्टी लोकांशी काही गरमागरम बोलाचाली, तंटाभांडण किंवा रामभाऊंबरोबर हातघाईचे प्रकरण झाले का बापू तडाड उठून प्रबोधनकार ठाकरेंकडे यायचे.

तिने म्हटलं आहे की ती लहानपणीच टप्पोबॉयिश टप्प्यात गेली होती आणि स्वत: ला कठोर वृत्ती असल्याचे वर्णन केले,कारण ती मुद्दाम मुलांबरोबर भांडणे उचलत होती.

falling out's Usage Examples:

In the first year of his reign he and Kenfu Adam had a falling out over the behavior of Kenfu's son-in-law Bajrond Tsadalu Egabet, who soon after his appointment was defeated in battle and had the signs of his office, the nagarit war drums, taken from him.

After a failed attempt to regain the championship, in which Kidd was pushed off balance during their double-team Hart Attack move, Kidd and Smith began to have a falling out with one another.

ReleaseAfter falling out with David Geffen, whose Geffen Records had initially released Double Fantasy, Ono moved future projects to Polydor Records, which initially released Milk and Honey.

to upscale mature African-American audiences during the 1980s, while falling out of favor with young listeners in the age of hip hop.

Publicly, Dexter denied any falling out with Sinatra.

Ernest Hemingway bitterly immortalised John Dos Passos as a pilot fish for the wealthy in A Moveable Feast, after falling out with him over the Spanish Civil War.

head of MGM in 1924, the two had a falling out which revealed each man disliking the other fiercely.

Accounts of bears being tranquilized and dying, falling out of trees, and the high number of bear cubs (bears.

A let can also be called during play when there is some distraction to either player not caused by the players themselves, such as a ball boy moving behind a receiver, debris flying across the court in windy conditions, or a ball accidentally falling out of a player's pocket or entering from a neighboring court.

He failed to qualify for the World Matchplay for the first time in his career and the World Grand Prix for the first time since 2007 due to falling out of the top 16 on the Order of Merit and not winning enough games through the PDC Pro Tour.

In 2015, Arnold had a falling out with his ASLized partners, took down the si5s.

When BBCi decided to take the production of the next webcast, Scream of the Shalka, completely in-house, this led to a brief falling out between Big Finish and BBCi, and any plans for a sequel to Real Time were shelved at that point.

Blackwell had a falling out with Florence Nightingale after Nightingale returned from the Crimean War.


breakup, rupture, rift, break, separation, schism, breach, detachment, severance,


keep quiet, function, stay, unify, respect,

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