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fainty Meaning in marathi ( fainty शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



मूर्च्छा येणे, शुद्ध हरवणे, व्याख्या गमावा, बेहोश,


मूर्च्छा येणे, भ्याड, असह्य, कंटाळवाणा, मिनमिन, अस्पष्ट, खराब केले, फिकट, कमकुवत,

fainty's Usage Examples:

In many cases the rump is fainty, light brown, and a whitish suffusion on the medio-ventral parts of the body.

In many cases the rump is fainty, light brown, and a whitish suffusion on the medio-ventral parts of the.

" -Mike Szymanski (Variety), and have said that she has "a fetching, fainty Natalie Imbruglia-ish screen presence" -Brent Simon (Entertainment Today).

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