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fair minded Meaning in marathi ( fair minded शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निष्पक्ष मनाचा


सुधारणा-मुक्त साफ करा,

fair minded's Usage Examples:

exhibitions, being admired by fellow-artists for his dedication and fair mindedness.

All fair minded people realize, that the female religious, working every day in the numerous.

engineer Roy Rogers tries to stop them but his only ally is Willard"s fair minded daughter.

resourceful pioneer, successful mission builder, able administrator, and fair minded historian of California".

test for establishing bias was set out in Porter v Magill – whether a "fair minded and informed observer", having considered the facts, would conclude that.

He was praised for his "sound judgment, fair mindedness, impeccable ethics, and dedication to service.


fair, just,


unfair, unfairness, inequity,

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