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earings Meaning in marathi ( earings शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

लटकन, कानातले,


कमाई, पट्टणा, महिना, संपत्ती कमावली, नफा,

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earings मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विष्णू प्रमाणे, ती हार, पाय, कानातले, बांगड्या इत्यादी दागिन्यांनी आणि किरीट - मुकुटाने सजलेली आहे.

आजपर्यंत सापडलेल्या सर्वात जुन्या ममीच्या अवशेषांमध्ये कानातले दागिने आढळुन आले आहेत, याचा अर्थ् ५००० वर्षांपूर्वी कान टोचण्याचे प्रकार होत होते.

कर्जाची परतफेड म्हणून दीपू कानातले डूल काढून देते इंद्राला.

रेखाटनांमध्ये भयंकर दिसणारे दात आणि कानातले पंजे आणि एक लांब शेपटी असलेले हेडगियर समाविष्ट आहे जे जंगली राक्षसाच्या चपळ घडामोडींचा अचूक फोटो दर्शवते.

earings's Usage Examples:

They also announce that the first round of public hearings will be held in the month of October and that they will soon launch a website.

as avalanches, poor soils, or fire damage have created semi-permanent clearings.

During this time, she worked on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?Welch excluded himself from the remainder of the hearings with a parting shot to McCarthy: Mr.

upon bearings or a spindle at the ends of a bar or beam called an axle or axletree.

The Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) develops the specialist criteria that a product or service must comply with in order to be certified with the Blue Angel on a scientific basis and presents them to the hearings for the affected stakeholders (expert hearings).

The achievement, or armorial bearings usually includes a coat of arms on a shield, helmet and crest, together with any accompanying devices.

Draghi responded that the deals were undertaken before my joining Goldman Sachs [and] I had nothing to do with them, in the 2011 European Parliament nomination hearings.

After the trial, Representative Ben Butler of Massachusetts conducted hearings in the House on widespread reports that Republican senators had been bribed to vote for Johnson's acquittal.

Conflicts of this nature, along with fears of Soviet communist power in Europe and the increasingly publicized hearings of HUAC, were the background to the rise of McCarthyism.

The company produces industrial machinery bearings, precision machinery and parts.

involve taking azimuths or bearings to two or more objects, then drawing lines of position along those recorded bearings or azimuths.

Parliamentary committees and subcommittees, public hearings and parliamentary group meetings take place in three auxiliary.

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