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पूर्वी सुरू, सुरुवातीला, आधी,

earlier on मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

दक्षिण कोकणात या घराण्यातील मांग सावंत हे सगळ्यात आधी येथे आले.

पण संतती निर्माण होण्याआधीच तो मरण पावला.

गुरुदेव रानडे आधी सांगलीच्या विलिंग्डन महाविद्यालयात प्राध्यापक होते.

याआधी हा प्रदेश मेक्सिकोचा अल्ता कॅलिफोर्निया प्रांत नावाने ओळखला जायचा.

धर्मात्मा (आधीचे नाव महात्मा).

१९८७ मध्ये, विश्वचषक स्पर्धेचा अंतिम सामन्याचे आयोजन करणारे हे जगातील दुसरे मैदान ठरले, याआधी तीन विश्वचषक अंतिम सामन्यांच्या यजमानपदाचा मान मिळवणाऱ्या लॉर्ड्सचा क्रमांक लागतो.

अतिसूक्ष्मतंत्रज्ञान संकल्पना सर्वात आधी भौतिकशास्त्रज्ञ रिचर्ड फेनमन यांनी त्यांच्या भाषणात There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom (तळाशी भरपूर जागा आहे) मांडली.

निवडणुकीच्या पाच दिवस आधी त्याची पत्नी वारल्यावर ग्रीली अतिशय दुःखित झाला व तीन आठवड्याने स्वतः मृत्यू पावला.

अभ्यासक्रम सुरू करण्याआधी त्या अभ्यासक्रमाची तपशीलवार रूपरेषा व अभ्यास साहित्य विद्यार्थ्यांना वितरित केले जाते.

हे सामने २०१९-२२ आयसीसी क्रिकेट विश्वचषक लीग दोन स्पर्धेचे भाग होते आणि स्पर्धेच्या चौथ्या आणि आठव्या फेरीदरम्यान आधी पुढे ढकलण्यात आलेल्या दोन्ही पक्षांमधील सामने भरून काढण्यासाठी हे सामने खेळवण्यासाठी व्यवस्था करण्यात आली.

मंदिरातील मूर्ती शिलाहार कालानंतरची पण शिवकालाच्या आधीची असावी, असा अंदाज आहे.

भगवान आधी स्टंट चित्रपटांत कामे करायचे.

earlier on's Usage Examples:

In fact, Hill and Lloyd Webber had worked together earlier on a revival of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Winchester Theatre.

Clapham later built the schoolroom close to the Salem chapel to replace his earlier one.

FOUR LiveFOUR Live on C4 was a repeat of the broadcast which aired earlier on FOUR.

imipramine in the treatment of major depressive disorder but was much more tolerable in comparison and also had an earlier onset of action.

Its musical arrangement is a reprise of his song "Anger", found earlier on the album.

A"R executive John Kalodner was unimpressed by Gillen's performance, preferring the initial demos with Sykes' vocals he had received earlier on.

Priyu finds out about Vaibhav"s intentions during their honeymoon and informs Purvi, leading to the hired goons from earlier on getting caught.

Grounds seven weeks earlier on October 27, but the Bears were seven to ten point favorites.

Campbell served earlier on the Supreme Court of the United States from 1853 to 1861, but began to consider resignation after Lincoln's first inaugural address in March 1861.

The record he beat (12 hours 45 minutes) was set just a few days earlier on May 23, 2003 by 25-year-old Pemba Dorjie, a Sherpa from Rolwaling Himal.

Glacier and Miller were to fight each other two weeks earlier on the program, but it was called off after Glacier was attacked by Mortis and Wrath offscreen beforehand.

That let Australia off the hook, with Clarke and Hussey adding 105, before Jon Lewis – who had been taken to the cleaners earlier on – dug out Michael Clarke with an inside edge onto the stumps, taking the fifth wicket of the game at just the right time.

Motive power depotsThe London Brighton and South Coast Railway and the London and South Western Railway jointly built a motive power depot at Fratton in 1891, replacing an earlier one at Portsmouth Town station.


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