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earful Meaning in marathi ( earful शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कानातले, धमकावणे,



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earful मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सप्टेंबर 2008 : सीबीआयच्या विशेष न्यायालयानं गुरमीत राम रहीमविरोधात कलम 376 (बलात्कार) आणि 506 (धमकावणे) अंतर्गत गुन्हा दाखल केला.

ब्लॅकमेल करणे, धमकावणे, दंडेली करणे किंवा फसवणूक करणे इत्यादी प्रकारांचा या पद्धतीच्या छळवणुकीत समावेश होतो.

पोलिसांनी मोहम्मद अलीविरुद्ध भारतीय दंड संहितेच्या कलम ३७६ (बलात्कार) आणि ५०६ (गुन्हेगारी धमकावणे) अंतर्गत गुन्हा दाखल करून त्याला अटक केली.

earful's Usage Examples:

on Earth (1957), in which the elderly staff of the old fleapit cinema tearfully watch silent films on their evenings off.

Now Théodorine confesses to her daughter that she is a son – an interminable war at her birth made her mother fearful for her doing military service and she therefore registered Hermosa as a girl.

Further inaccuracies in Gage's 1863 account conflict with her own contemporary report: Gage wrote in 1851 that Akron in general and the press in particular were largely friendly to the woman's rights convention, but in 1863 she wrote that the convention leaders were fearful of the mobbish opponents.

A race horse who fears the starting gate can be desensitized to the fearful elements.

Paul suggests that Betsy return to Canada, regretting entangling her in his family problems and fearful of demeaning and abusing her as he did Jessica.

BUF leader Oswald Mosley, fearful of being too closely associated with the League's extremist rhetoric, did not join but he permitted party members to do so which the likes of Fuller, Robert Gordon-Canning and Oliver C.

Taking the story to heart, Bubba makes a tearful and heartfelt apology to Thelma, swearing off beer from that point forward, and Thelma, seeing how remorseful Bubba was for the incident, gladly forgives him and lifts his punishment.

She discontinued this work only when Browder himself requested her release from duty, fearful that her work would compromise his position as General Secretary.

He meets fearful, superstitious people at the inn.

George"s illiterate Hanover-born father, John Henry Christopher Kors laboured under fearful conditions in a local sugar refinery until he died, aged.

Comédie larmoyante (French: tearful comedy) was a genre of French drama of the 18th century.

present with a variety of symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, and tearfulness.


chewing out, upbraiding, castigation, reproval, going-over, dressing down, rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, bawling out, reproof,



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