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dynamic Meaning in marathi ( dynamic शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गतिमान, गतीशास्त्र,


ऊर्जा संबंधित, अनंत, पुरोगामी, मजबूत,

dynamic मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

समाजातील वर्ग, जात, समूह यामधील उतरंड आणि सत्तेचे गतीशास्त्र (power dynamics) संस्कृती घडवते आणि याचे स्त्रियांशी नाते हे भिन्न आणि पुष्कळदा विरोधी असते.

केंद्रातली मुले जर एखाद्या विमानाची प्रतिकृती तयार करणार असतील तर त्याआधी ही मुले विमानबांधणीशास्त्र, वायुगतीशास्त्र यातील संकल्पना स्लाइड शो किंवा फिल्म्सच्या माध्यमातून समजून घेतात.

आज ज्याला आपण पारंपारिक स्थितीगतीशास्त्र (Classical Mechanics) म्हणतो त्या ज्ञानशाखेचा पाया आधुनिक इतिहासकाळात खयाम, गॅलिलिओ, योहानेस केप्लर, आयझॅक न्यूटन इत्यादी भौतिकशास्त्रज्ञांनी घातला.

dynamic's Usage Examples:

sense is common in aquatic animals, the most cited example being the lateral line system, the array of hydrodynamic receptors found in fish and aquatic.

The heat capacity ratio is important for its applications in thermodynamical reversible processes, especially involving ideal gases; the speed of sound depends on this factor.

is an American producer of computer memory and computer data storage including dynamic random-access memory, flash memory, and.

(International Association for Development of Apnea): dynamic with fins (DYN) and dynamic without fins (DNF).

1962-4: Isaac Bersuker and Mary O’Brien investigated tunnelling in the lowest-energy vibronic states, the so-called tunnelling splitting, and the dynamic nature of the JT effect.

Global modes are used in the stability analysis of hydrodynamical systems.

Aerodynamicist – Reynard Motorsport (2001) Aerodynamicist – Sauber (2002–2004) Senior aerodynamicist – Sauber (2004–2007) Principle aerodynamicist –.

Orbital mechanics or astrodynamics is the application of ballistics and celestial mechanics to the practical.

thermodynamics which convey a quantitative description using measurable macroscopic physical quantities, but may be explained in terms of microscopic constituents.

in AA, 1975), William Palm Professor of Engineering at Washington University, computational fluid dynamicistJames B.

One research frontier is the development of hybrid algorithms which join FDTD classical electrodynamics models with phenomena arising from quantum electrodynamics, especially vacuum fluctuations, such as the Casimir effect.

design concept behind Turbo Boost is commonly referred to as "dynamic overclocking".

(HFI) at TUB, he and Rechenberg began performing experiments upon wings, kinked plates, and other objects related to fluid dynamics.


propellant, propulsive, high-power, propellent, projectile, slashing, high-voltage, can-do, self-propelled, energizing, high-energy, impulsive, driving, high-octane, propelling, ever-changing, dynamical, changing, self-propelling, kinetic, energising, high-powered, energetic,


unenterprising, inactive, dull, lethargic, undynamic,

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