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dynamics Meaning in marathi ( dynamics शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गतिशीलता, गतीशास्त्र,


डायनॅमिक्स, गतीशास्त्र,

dynamics मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

समाजातील वर्ग, जात, समूह यामधील उतरंड आणि सत्तेचे गतीशास्त्र (power dynamics) संस्कृती घडवते आणि याचे स्त्रियांशी नाते हे भिन्न आणि पुष्कळदा विरोधी असते.

केंद्रातली मुले जर एखाद्या विमानाची प्रतिकृती तयार करणार असतील तर त्याआधी ही मुले विमानबांधणीशास्त्र, वायुगतीशास्त्र यातील संकल्पना स्लाइड शो किंवा फिल्म्सच्या माध्यमातून समजून घेतात.

आज ज्याला आपण पारंपारिक स्थितीगतीशास्त्र (Classical Mechanics) म्हणतो त्या ज्ञानशाखेचा पाया आधुनिक इतिहासकाळात खयाम, गॅलिलिओ, योहानेस केप्लर, आयझॅक न्यूटन इत्यादी भौतिकशास्त्रज्ञांनी घातला.

dynamics's Usage Examples:

Orbital mechanics or astrodynamics is the application of ballistics and celestial mechanics to the practical.

thermodynamics which convey a quantitative description using measurable macroscopic physical quantities, but may be explained in terms of microscopic constituents.

One research frontier is the development of hybrid algorithms which join FDTD classical electrodynamics models with phenomena arising from quantum electrodynamics, especially vacuum fluctuations, such as the Casimir effect.

(HFI) at TUB, he and Rechenberg began performing experiments upon wings, kinked plates, and other objects related to fluid dynamics.

As with classical mechanics, the subject can be divided into kinematics; the description of motion by specifying positions, velocities and accelerations, and dynamics; a full description by considering energies, momenta, and angular momenta and their conservation laws, and forces acting on particles or exerted by particles.

The game uses a proprietary graphics engine running at 60 frames per second as well as a dynamic physics engine named the Octave Engine, which simulates fluid dynamics and among other things, allows water to behave realistically according to how the characters move.

The thermodynamic free energy is a concept useful in the thermodynamics of chemical or thermal processes in engineering and science.

paradox, also known as Clausius"s paradox and thermodynamic paradox, is a reductio ad absurdum argument that uses thermodynamics to show the impossibility.

provides one main utility for molecular dynamics called qdyn, and various subprograms such as qprep (to prepare input files from X-ray coordinates), qfep (to.

This effect can be successfully used to study the relaxation and dynamics of paramagnetic centers as well as of superslow motion in the systems under study.

Faraday carefully omitted the term of hydrodynamics in this work.

upset the population dynamics of biological treatment units, such as the activated sludge process.


kinetics, ballistics, mechanics,

dynamics's Meaning in Other Sites