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dwelling place Meaning in marathi ( dwelling place शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

राहण्याची जागा, अधिवास, राहण्याची सोय, गप्पा, निवासस्थान, अस्ताना,

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dwelling place मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या अनुयायांना राहण्याची सोय होईल या प्राथमिक उद्देशाने सन १९८६ साली पहिला धम्मचक्र प्रवर्तन दिनाचा कार्यक्रम अशोक वाटिके समोरील मैदान पोस्ट ऑफीस मागे संपन्न झाला.

याशिवाय दोन डब्यांतून रुग्णांना राहण्याची सोय असते.

या बुरुजाच्या आतील बांधकामामध्ये राहण्याची सोय केलेली दिसते.

परिसरात राहण्याची सोय आहे.

आपल्या खाण्या-पिण्याची व राहण्याची सोय व्हावी यासाठी तेथील हॉटेल्स नेहमीच सज्ज असतात.

गडावर राहण्याची सोय नाही, पण मालवणात आहे.

त्यात वा रामाच्या मंदिरात राहण्याची सोय होऊ शकते.

शिवाजी मंदिरच्या आवारात नाटकांत काम करण्यासाठी येणाऱ्या कलाकारांच्या राहण्याची सोय नाही.

गडावर निश्चित राहण्याची सोय नाही, परंतु पायथ्याशी असलेल्या ढवळे गावात किंवा गावात असणाऱ्या मंदिरात एक रात्र राहण्याची सोय होऊ शकते.

९,८०० लोकसंख्या असलेल्या या गावात एकाचवेळी ६०,००० पर्यटकांची राहण्याची सोय होऊ शकते.

बेल्शेनच्या पायथ्याशी राहण्याची सोय असून तिथून शिखरावर जायला केबल कार आहे.

dwelling place's Usage Examples:

Where Édouard Lartet had used fauna as a distinguishing feature – Mammoth against Reindeer – for his important discoveries, Mortillet realised that as fauna varied with latitude they were unreliable indicators, and proposed instead a classification by means of dwelling places: Alluvial or Cave epochs, for example.

"tenant") is an animal that lives commensally in the nest, burrow, or dwelling place of an animal of another species.

Torongan Cave: The most ancient dwelling place has a burial ground on top.

The park is known to have been a dwelling place for Ancestral Puebloans.

Toponymy Many see in the name 'Cacouna' Cree words, kakwa or kakoua, meaning porcupine or dwelling or dwelling place of porcupine.

The name means "praiseworthy dwelling place".

The name Bretby means "dwelling place of Britons".

tree of life which can take the form of a sprouting maize plant; (b) the paradisiac dwelling place of the ancestors; (c) the Cave of Emergence (Aztec Chicomoztoc);.

evidence for whaling in Scotland is from Bronze Age settlements where whalebones were used for constructing and decorating dwelling places.

heavenly Soma while Lopamudra represents her feminine attraction which fructifies in getting Agastya out of his "secret dwelling place".

the Tabernacle (Hebrew: מִשְׁכַּן‎, mishkān, meaning "residence" or "dwelling place"), also known as the Tent of the Congregation (אֹ֣הֶל מוֹעֵד֩ ’ōhel.

both a character (probably a dwarf) and a hall that will serve as a dwelling place for the souls of the virtuous after Ragnarök.

The meaning of the name of Hethersett is not clear; the guide to the church suggests the enclosure for the deer: 'heedra' is an Old English word for heather or heath, and 'set' is Old English for a dwelling place, camp, stable or fold.


parlour, dinette, sleeping accommodation, lodge, fireside, parlor, bath, living accommodations, vacation home, dwelling house, habitation, cliff dwelling, house, domicile, hermitage, housing, indian lodge, sleeping room, condo, lake dwelling, fixer-upper, lodging, condominium, bedroom, dressing room, homestead, abode, bedchamber, sitting room, living room, yurt, hearth, living-room, home, bathroom, dining-room, front room, family room, messuage, semi-detached house, chamber, den, pile dwelling, kitchen, dining room,


dislodge, unfasten, looseness, foreign,

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