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dwelling house Meaning in marathi ( dwelling house शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

राहण्याचे घर, वेंट्रिकल, होमस्टे, निकेतन, इमारत, सेटलमेंट,


वेंट्रिकल, होमस्टे, निकेतन, इमारत, सेटलमेंट,

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dwelling house मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

दापोळीमध्ये विविध मुक्काम पर्याय आहेत जसे सुरळी समूह ऑफ हॉटेल्स, फर्न्स सामली रिसॉर्ट आणि लोटस रिसॉर्ट विविध लहान रिसॉर्ट्स आणि होमस्टेअन्स.

एमटीडीसी आपल्या नुकत्याच सुरू झालेल्या एमटीडीसी बेड ॲंण्ड ब्रेकफ़ास्ट योजनेअंतर्गत आंबा इन्स्टिटय़ूट ऑफ होमस्टे प्रॉपर्टीजची यादी तयार करत आहे ज्यामुळे ते दापोलीच्या पर्यटकांचा स्थानिक संपर्कासाठी भेट देतात.

dwelling house's Usage Examples:

Instructions were given in 1826 to the Commissioners of Woods and Forests that Carlton Palace should be given up to the public, be demolished and the site and gardens laid out as building ground for dwelling houses of the First Class.

officers" dwelling houses, the great store house, hemp house, rope house and rope yard buildings, for "by representations and descriptions of works of this nature.

It was filled in because it was close to the foundation of a dwelling house.

South Cowton Castle is a 15th-century fortified dwelling house in the Richmondshire district of North Yorkshire, England.

A semi-detached house (often abbreviated to semi) is a single family duplex dwelling house that shares one common wall with the next house.

probably responsible for the renovation of the rectory building as a dwelling house.

with six yardlands and other appurtenances, five pasture closes, two crofts, a messuage or dwelling house, another two and a half yardlands and the water.

It is a large brick dwelling house constructed in 1733.

their promised settlements, and on 14 October 1802, entered Koop"s dwelling house and factory and seized and sold all contents.

A five-storey brick dwelling house was erected at 218 West 108th Street in 1927 to the designs by architect.

dwelling house was in the verie same place where the college of St Chad"s now standeth.

Each house represents various periods of development of dwelling house construction.

newspaper reported "John Williams, a runaway convict was indicted for burglariously entering the dwelling house of Janet Templeton at Parramatta, on 6th.


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