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dumbfounding Meaning in marathi ( dumbfounding शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मूर्ख, आश्चर्यचकित करणे, आश्चर्याने, हैराण झाले,

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dumbfounding मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यामुळे त्यावर्षी उन्हाने हैराण झालेल्या पर्यटकांनी अंगावर रोमांच उभे करणाऱ्या धबधब्याचा जलौघ पाहण्यासाठी ठोसेघरकडे मोठ्या संख्येने धाव घेतली होती.

कापूस, मक्याची खरेदी बंद झाल्याने विक्रीअभावी घरात पडून असलेल्या कापसात पिसवा झाल्यामुळे शेतकरी हैराण झाले.

बाजीरावाच्या झंजावातापुढे मोगल हैराण झाले.

हळूहळू विजेचे पायलन (टॉवर) तोडले जाऊ लागल्याने वीज खंडित होऊन ब्रिटिश सरकार हैराण झाले.

वारंवारं होणाऱ्या बंडामुळे पेशवे हैराण झाले.

dumbfounding's Usage Examples:

has received negative criticism in The New York Times, " there was a dumbfounding gap between his retro suavity and the ineptitude of his playing (.

Initially, the apparent indifference of the Japanese climbers was dumbfounding, as the Indian expedition leader said later, "The Japanese had initially.

Often such social intuitionism is based on "moral dumbfounding" where people have strong moral reactions but fail to establish any kind.

It is dumbfounding, and chilling, when they don"t.

As it departs, Koenig contacts Alpha, dumbfounding the staff by ordering Operation Shockwave suspended.

] Everyday Romanian [truisms] are dumbfounding.

four out of ten review by Mind Equals Blown, describes, "it’s somewhat dumbfounding to see something so generic to come out of their camp.

He often finds Abu"s strange actions dumbfounding.

In footnote 29, Haidt credits the neology of the term moral dumbfounding to social/experimental psychologist Daniel.

the starter of ravioli of seafood with sauce vierge was "good but not dumbfounding", while the lobster salad suffered from the lobster being slightly chewy.

wartime recording of this work by Albert Sammons (said to have "the dumbfounding splendour of a sunset"), although preferred by some, was deleted when.

"Unfounded dumbfounding: How harm and purity undermine evidence for moral dumbfounding".

A quantity of silver bullion is uncovered, delighting Wardour and dumbfounding Dousterswivel.


incredible, astounding, unbelievable, dumfounding,


incredibility, credulous, thinkable, plausible, credible,

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