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dumbing Meaning in marathi ( dumbing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



नि:शब्द, हबा, मूक, मुका,

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dumbing मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

‘माणूस’चे मुखपृष्ठ संपूर्ण काळ्या रंगाचे- त्यावर एक मोठे प्रश्नचिन्ह काढून श्रीगमांनी आपला विरोध नि:शब्दपणे, पण अत्यंत समर्थपणे व्यक्त केला.

क्रिया: क्रियेचे दोन प्रकार आहेत - सशब्द आणि नि:शब्द.

- लैंगिकता सूचक कृती, शारिरीक, मौखिक किंवा नि:शब्दपणे केलेली अन्य कोणतीही कृती.

भावरीप्ती, नि:शब्द संगीतम्.

dumbing's Usage Examples:

Music videoThe main themes of the video are intellectual freedom and the media's dumbing down of mass culture.

are emblematic of Hollywood's relentless dumbing-down and defining-down of big-screen attractions.

“I think to contemporize the speech, or bastardize it, is dumbing it down.

systematically misled and manipulated by politicians, and he analyzes the "dumbing down" of American politics arising from the saturation of marketing, spin.

the magazine of trying to increase readership by dumbing down and oversimplifying its content.

and the current generation is fit only for dumbing down and cultural careerism.

The subject of Martin's criticism was an alleged dumbing down of journalism and news coverage.

Club, this cartoon, like its predecessor, "has been significantly defanged, dumbing down and infantilizing the character to the degree that he’s robbed.

The studio has kept the faith by smartening up most of its films, not dumbing them down, by banking on, and raking.

claimed that avant-garde and modernist art was a means to resist the "dumbing down" of culture caused by consumerism.

negative in his views, stating "This film, and others like, it have a vulgarizing effect on the taste and a dumbing-down effect on the intellect of its.

Fitzhugh, a Massachusetts educator dismayed with the "dumbing down" of writing standards in American secondary schools, publication in.

Jon Stewart dedicated an entire segment to Carlson on The Daily Show criticizing her for dumbing herself down to connect with the Fox News audience who he says, sees intellect as an elitist flaw.

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