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divinity Meaning in marathi ( divinity शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



देवत्व, अमरत्व, स्वर्गीय प्राणी, मांजर, धर्मशास्त्र, गौरव, ऐश्वर्या, देव,

divinity मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

प्राचीन भारतीय लोकांनी त्याला देवत्व देऊन त्याला पूजा विषय बनवले.

तसेच निदान निरुक्तकार यास्कांच्या काळात कुबेर हा एक ऐतिहासिक मानव देवत्वाला गेल्याचा उल्लेख येतो.

ब्राह्मणांचें देवत्व कोणतें?.

देवत्वं पार्थये राम सशरीरो महायशः ।। ७.

अवेस्तान आणि वैदिक संस्कृत दोन्ही ग्रंथांमध्ये, पाणी — मग ते लाटा किंवा थेंब, किंवा एकत्रितपणे नाले, तलाव, नद्या किंवा विहिरी म्हणून — अपास, पाण्याच्या देवत्वांचा समूह दर्शवितात.

त्याच्या अशा गुणांमुळेच तो लोकप्रिय राजा ठरला, घरोघरी त्याची पूजा होऊ लागली, त्याला देवत्व प्राप्त झाले.

"मनुष्याच्या रुपात जन्माला येऊन केवळ आपल्या कर्तुत्वाने व भक्तीने देवत्वाला प्राप्त करणे ही खूप मोठी गोष्ट आहे".

जिथे त्यांनी गोरखनाथांची वर्षानुवर्षे प्रार्थना केली आणि गोरखनाथांनी त्यांना आशीर्वाद दिला की त्यांच्यापासून एक मुलगा जन्माला येईल ज्यात शिवासारखे देवत्व असेल.

तत्वासह देवत्वाची ओळख दोन्ही संस्कृतींमध्ये पूर्ण आहे.

राधा आणि कृष्ण हे देवत्वाचे स्त्रीतत्त्व आणि पुरुषतत्त्व आहेत.

शिव, देवत्वाचे मर्दानी पैलू, केवळ अतींद्रिय मानले जाते, आणि शिवाची उपासना सहसा दुय्यम असते.

divinity's Usage Examples:

where it was visited by many notable people, including Rossini, who genuflected, and Tchaikovsky, who said he was "in the presence of divinity".

writings which stated that "[a]s Christ is the intermediary unto whom man unburdens all his divinity, all his religious bonds, so the state is the mediator.

It is the most common academic degree in seminaries and divinity schools (e.

He revealed a cosmic view of divinity and correct methods of ascertaining divine will concerning events of public interest.

course of studies in this "northern academy" included "logic, metaphysics, somatology, pneumatology, natural philosophy, divinity, and chronology.

Baianai has Altaic-Turkic roots with a meaning of "wealth", "richness", "grandness", "greatness" and "divinity".

The Cambridge Faculty of Divinity is the divinity school of the University of Cambridge.

|-|Afterwards the car, the vestments, and, if you like to believe it, the divinity herself, are purified in a secret lake.

This imposition of mantras upon the body is considered as the assigning or locating of divinity inside one"s own body.

there is no temple of Hercules shown there, as Ephorus falsely states, nor yet any altar nor to any other divinity; but in many parts there are three.

The divinity, worshipped by the Moabites, is biblically referred to as Baal-peor.

This is the apotheosis aspired to by kings claiming divinity, and reflected in the veneration of heroes.


Semitic deity, zombi, Japanese deity, pantheon, spiritual being, war god, saint, Greco-Roman deity, god of war, daemon, earth-god, immortal, demiurge, Celtic deity, Roman deity, Anglo-Saxon deity, Greek deity, Chinese deity, Graeco-Roman deity, Persian deity, sun god, snake god, Egyptian deity, god, sea god, Phrygian deity, Norse deity, goddess, supernatural being, Hindu deity, demigod, zombie, Teutonic deity, earth god, deity,


rightness, confront, unaffected, insubordinate, unsusceptible,

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