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divisor Meaning in marathi ( divisor शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



हर, विभाजक,

divisor मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

महत्तम साधारण विभाजक (कादंबरी).

भागाकाराची व्याख्या करण्यासाठी विभाजकचा काल्पनिक किंवा वास्तविक भाग शून्य नसणे गरजेचे आहे.

म्हणून २ हा १० चा विभाजक आहे.

२४ चे विभाजक, १,२,३,४,६,१२,२४ हे आहेत.

अल्बेनियाचे उपविभाग विभाजक - (divisor) , जर x ने y ला भाग जात असेल तर x ला y चा विभाजक म्हणतात.

याआधी दाखवल्याप्रमाणे ही संख्या या विभाजकाची संमिश्र संयुग्मी आहे.

समाजातील उत्तम काय याची व्याख्या समाजाचा लघुत्तम साधारण विभाजक हीच ठेवली की स्खलन हे अपरिहार्य ठरते.

(a, b, c) हे जर पायथागोरसचे त्रिकूट असेल, आणि a, b, c ह्यांचा मसावि १ असेल, (जेणेकरून १ पेक्षा मोठा सामाईक विभाजक नाही) तर त्याला 'मूळ त्रिकूट' असे म्हटले जाईल.

ह्या डोंगररांगा म्हणजे मचकुंद, शबरी, सिलेरू, भास्केल, इंद्रावती या पश्चिमवाहिनी व ऋषिकूल्य, नागावली, वंशधारा या पूर्ववाहिनी नद्यांचा जलविभाजक आहे.

divisor's Usage Examples:

common root (in case of coefficients in a field) or a non-constant common divisor (in case of coefficients in an integral domain).

This is equivalent to their greatest common divisor (gcd) being 1.

is a greatest common divisor, because (at each step) b and r a – bq have the same divisors as a and b, and thus the same greatest common divisor.

element a of a ring R is called a left zero divisor if there exists a nonzero x in R such that ax 0, or equivalently if the map from R to R that sends.

1, 2, 4, 71, and 142, adding up to 220, in turn, the divisors of 220 add up to 284, making the two a pair of amicable numbers.

which is divided by the divisor, and the result is called the quotient.

N(d) of the greatest common divisor of a and b is a common divisor of N(a), N(b), and N(a + b).

After a small amount of algebra, one can conclude that \lfloor N/\beta^2 \rfloor-sxy and \lfloor ab/\beta\rfloort where s and t are identical to determining the carries one does in multiplying the divisors over base \beta.

When the greatest common divisor D of these three integers.

the least common multiple to the problem of computing the greatest common divisor (gcd), also known as the greatest common factor: lcm ⁡ ( a , b ) |.

Distribution of primes Composite number Factor Common factor Greatest common divisor, also called greatest common factor Euclid"s algorithm for finding greatest.

for DmL we have D2 m2 L2 ≥ m2 > 4; for any effective divisor E the ampleness of L implies D · E m(L · E) ≥ m > 2.

Parity problem The parity problem in sieve theory roughly refers to the fact that sieving arguments are, generally speaking, unable to tell if an integer has an even or odd number of prime divisors.


equivalent-binary-digit factor, common measure, common divisor, common factor, whole number, integer, factor, prime factor,


fractional, aliquot part, aliquant part, Arabic numeral, Roman numeral,

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