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contingent Meaning in marathi ( contingent शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

तुकडी, शक्य, विषय, सशर्त,


], संभाव्य घटना,


शक्य, विषय,

contingent मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सशर्त संभाव्यतेचा वापर करून हे आकडे सहजपणे मिळतात.

याला " इंटर्नशिप ", यूके मधील "फाउंडेशन" वर्षे किंवा "सशर्त नोंदणी" म्हणून संबोधले जाऊ शकते.

3)सशर्त अमीनो ऍसिडस्.

ही पदवी वैद्यकीय व्यावसायिकाला त्या विशिष्ट देशाच्या कायद्यांतर्गत परवानाधारक किंवा नोंदणीकृत होण्यासाठी पात्र ठरते आणि काहीवेळा अनेक देशांच्या, इंटर्नशिप किंवा सशर्त नोंदणीसाठी आवश्यकतेनुसार.

सशर्त अमीनो ऍसिड  सामान्यत: आजारपण आणि तणावाच्या वेळेस आवश्यक नसतात.

केवळ खास बाब म्हणून महाविद्यालयाचे शिक्षण घेण्यास सशर्त अनुज्ञा मिळे.

परंतु त्यांनी सशर्त माफी मागण्यास नकार देऊन संपूर्ण माफी जर देत असाल तर आम्ही शरण येऊ असे उलट उत्तर दिले.

सशर्त अमीनो idsसिडमध्ये हे समाविष्ट आहे: आर्जिनिन, सिस्टीन, ग्लूटामाइन, टायरोसिन, ग्लाइसिन, ऑर्निथिन, प्रोलिन आणि सेरीन.

ते सतत ब्रिटीशांसी लढत राहिले, शेवटी ब्रिटिशांनी त्यांना एकाकी पाडण्यात यश मिळविले व सशर्त माफी मागावी व धुळ्याच्या कल्लेक्टरास शरण यावे म्हणून फर्मान काढले.

मराठी लेखक प्रवासी व्हिसा हे एखाद्या देशाने व्यक्तीस दिलेले सशर्त परवानगी पत्र आहे.

सशर्त अमीनो idsसिड सामान्यत: आजारपण आणि तणावाच्या वेळेस आवश्यक नसतात.

contingent's Usage Examples:

Postmodernist philosophers in general argue that truth is always contingent on historical and social context rather than being absolute and universal.

contingent-fee portion of any recovery, that part of Banaitis’ settlement was not includable as gross income.

"A context-specific single contingent-reinforcing stimulus boosts intermediate-term memory into long-term memory".

One night in June 1205, a contingent of enemy soldiers infiltrated Walter's camp, cut the ropes of his tent, felled it on Walter and stabbed him.

It outnumbers the Greek military contingent on the island, which is supplemented by.

In recent years the order of the march past of the supporting contingents out of the grounds has been altered, with the military and civil uniformed services first to march out, followed by the economic firms, social organizations and the youth uniformed organizations which march last out and then into the platform stands.

Noncompliant methods include: plurality voting, supplementary voting, Sri Lankan contingent voting, approval voting, range voting, Bucklin voting and minimax Condorcet.

In the west, where there lay an army under the command of Count Heinrich von Fürstenberg, a large contingent of mercenaries from Flanders and many knights threatened to leave as they had not received their pay.

Commonwealth Games in Melbourne by a 67-member strong contingent comprising xx sportspersons and xx officials.

Cuba became the MPLA's strongest ally, sending significant contingents of combat and support personnel to Angola.

Grant's company comprised about 53 men, including a large contingent of Tejanos (Mexican-born residents of Texas) under the command of Plácido Benavides.

infinite, absolute or noumenal, as opposed to a reality contingent on sense perception and the material order.

ripeness refers to the readiness of a case for litigation; "a claim is not ripe for adjudication if it rests upon contingent future events that may not occur.


assemblage, gathering,


adduct, centripetal force, centrifugal force,

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