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continually Meaning in marathi ( continually शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



अविरतपणे, चालू ठेवले, अविभाज्य, अंतहीन, सतत, त्वरित,

continually मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

माधवरावांच्या या समाजसुधारकी कामालाही सनातनी वर्गाकडून सतत विरोध झाला.

त्यांना संत नामदेवांमुळे सतत संत-संग घडला होता.

ही काम करण्याची शक्ती सतत कायम राहीलच असे नाही.

वाफसा स्थिती कायम राहत असल्याने पिकाची वाढ जोमदार आणि सतत होते.

ती स्त्री-पुरुष समानतेसाठी सतत लढत राहिली.

या राजांनी ह्या भागात सतत पुराचे पाणी येत राहिल्याने येथून राजधानी हलवली.

विमानतळावर तसेच आसपास अनेक पोलिस व भारतीय सैनिक सतत गस्त घालीत असतात.

शिवाय, ‘आदर्श समाज’ ही सतत बदलत जाणारी संकल्‍पना आहे.

नृसिंहवाडी व आसपासच्या ४० गावांना विविध आजाराच्या साथींना सतत तोंड द्यावे लागते.

विद्यापीठातील विविध संशोधन शाखांमधून वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारच्या संशोधनाचे काम हे सतत चालू असते.

आठ मिलीमीटर काचेच्या आवरणाआड ही ज्योत सतत तेवत राहिल.

पृथ्वीचे तापमान सतत वाढत आहे.

संगणकावर सतत काम करणे,.

continually's Usage Examples:

The surface of the shallow lake is often hardly recognisable due to the continually shifting mass of pink.

And there, amid the sounding of tuckets and the clash of armoured soldiery and horses continually moving forth.

CBC continually expands and renovates programs which now includes Bachelor of Applied Science degrees.

continually from under his wings in the season of wearisome heat, then goats are plumpest and wine sweetest; women are most wanton, but men are feeblest, because.

Harvey continually denied that she was a drug trafficker, claiming to have been set up.

In the narrative, he is continually engaged in deceitful magics, as when he makes a false Una to tempt the Red-Cross Knight into lust, and when this fails, conjures another image, of a squire, to deceive the knight into believing that Una was false to him.

the day, as Josephus wrote, where people were continually passing and repassing the gate of the city, to and from the country, and where Boaz most likely.

Lyar despises LeBlanc, continually suspicious that the head of Alchemy knows far more about the extra-temporal monsters known as the Ghoul than he lets on.

Activities The Guttmacher Institute continually updates its analysis of state and national laws and policies about contraception and abortion.

Infantry in summer 1825, and it remained garrisoned almost continually through 1840.

However, Heidi"s natural and spirited manner continually exasperates prissy Miss Rottenmeyer, Klara"s governess.

Brookes had a deep knowledge of the Bible's original languages, an excellent memory, and continually read and studied the Bible.

For instance, in Commission v France French farmer vigilantes were continually sabotaging shipments of Spanish strawberries, and even Belgian tomato imports.

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