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considerably Meaning in marathi ( considerably शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

लक्षणीय, अनेक, खूप,


खूप, भरपूर,

considerably मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अनेक लेखक, शासकीय अधिकारी व लोकप्रतिनिधी यांनी या विभागास पुस्तकरूपांत देणग्या दिल्या आहेत.

च्या परिक्षेत अनेक वर्षांपासुन गुणवन्त दिले आहेत.

विमानतळ अनेक दिवस बंद ठेवण्यात आला होता व त्यामळे हजारे प्रवासी येथे अडकून पडले होते.

केतकर, गणपतराव वडणगेकर, दादीसेठ ईरुक्शा, ईरुक्शा पेस्तनजी, ‌पेस्तनजी बोमनजी अशा चित्रकारांच्या तसेच समकालीन कलाक्षेत्रातील अनेक कलाकारांची चित्रे आणि शिल्पे येथे प्रदर्शित आहेत.

प्राचीन काळी व्याकरण, वेदान्त, ज्योतिषशास्त्र आणि खगोलशास्त्र, गणित अशा अनेक विषयांवरचे ग्रंथ संस्कृतात लिहिले गेले.

अनेक मराठी दैनिकांची संपादकपदे त्यांनी भूषविली आहेत.

अनेक टीकाकारांनुसार चीनमधील शेवटचा राजवंश लुप्त होण्यास सिशी कारणीभूत होती.

१९८७ साली चिनी दिग्दर्शक चांग यीमौ याच्या होंग काओल्यांग (लाल शोगुन) नावाच्या चित्रपटाद्वारे अभिनयातल्या कारकिर्दीस प्रारंभ करणाऱ्या कोंग लीने चांग यीमौसोबत अनेक यशस्वी चित्रपट दिले.

मराठी शब्द व्युत्पत्ती कोश - अनेकदा शब्दांमध्ये सामाजिक/सांस्कृतिक इतिहास अप्रकट स्वरूपात पिढया-न्-पिढया टिकून राहिलेला असतो.

४) साम्यवादी राष्ट्रांनीसुद्धा साम्राज्यवादी धोरण स्वीकारुन अनेक लहान-लहान राष्ट्रांना आपल्या नियंत्रणाखाली ठेवले आहे.

तेराव्या शतकात देवगिरीकर यादवांच्या कारकिर्दीत महाराष्ट्रात अनेक हेमाडपंती मंदिरे निर्माण करण्यात आली.

अनेक देवरायांमध्ये जुने वटवृक्ष, हजारो फुले ओघळवणारे बकुळीचे पुरातन वृक्ष, तसेच गच्च केवड्याची बने आहेत.

येथे त्यांनी जगातील अनेक मान्यवरांना मार्गदर्शन केले.

considerably's Usage Examples:

Economists estimate that legalization of the illegal immigrant population would increase the immigrants" earnings and consumption considerably, and increase.

The bayou widens considerably as it travels through the East End, culminating at the Houston Ship Channel.

that use more jet thrust relative to fan thrust are known as low-bypass turbofans, conversely those that have considerably more fan thrust than jet thrust.

This adaptor made DAL considerably less appealing than later systems like ODBC, where the translation normally takes place on the client side and is typically included for free with the database engine.

This was installed in his gallery, a step which considerably enhanced its value as a Broken Hill tourist attraction.

Hanoverian regiments were engaged on the left of the English, but so inconsiderably as to lose only 50 men between them.

Australia then fared considerably better in their second innings to win the first Test by 239 runs.

justice in the United States has evolved considerably over the years, the convening authority has remained the instrument of selecting a panel for courts-martial.

However Anglo-Saxon society was massively disrupted in the 9th century, especially the later half, by the Viking invasions, and the number of significant objects surviving falls considerably, and their dating becomes even vaguer than of those from a century before.

Next Generation reviewed the 3DO version, and noted that this port differed considerably from the original Genesis version and most other ports, with the addition of multiple views, a rotating-camera effect and more detailed graphics.

Temettu was paid annually; it was a graduated tax, with the rich liable to pay considerably more than the poor.

than four million people, it is considerably polluted, because of deep siltation caused by human waste from informal settlers of the riverbank and even.

However, it was heavily outsold by EA's The Two Towers game, which sold almost four million units and received considerably better reviews.


well, substantially,


ill, unhealthy, unfit,

considerably's Meaning in Other Sites