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considered Meaning in marathi ( considered शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मानले जाते, न्याय केला, काळजी वाटली, गणित,


मानले जाते, न्याय केला, काळजी वाटली, गणित,

considered मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मात्र, त्याचवेळी डोक्यावर, गळ्यावर तीन आणि चार भोवरे असतील, तर ते अशुभ मानले जाते.

मातीच्या कुभाला गर्भाचे प्रतीक मानले जाते.

शिवाजी महाराजांवर लिहिलेले यांचे संशोधित पुस्तक आजही प्रमाण मानले जाते.

नैतिक व धर्म्य आचारात रामायणातील सर्व व्यक्तिरेखांमध्ये भरताचे व्यक्तिमत्त्व रामाशी तुलनीय गुणवत्तेचे असल्याचे मानले जाते.

संसाराला दुःख, असमाधानकारक आणि वेदनादायी मानले जाते.

तसेच कन्नड भाषेतील पूर्वीच्या सांगलकी या नावाचे पुढे सांगली असे रूपांतर झाल्याचेही मानले जाते.

त्याचा जन्म राजस्थानच्या भीनमाल ह्या गावात झाला असे मानले जाते.

अशा प्रकारच्या जखमा प्रकट होण्याची शंभरहून अधिक उदाहरणे नोंदविण्यात आली असून त्यांमध्ये सेंट फ्रान्सिस यांचे उदाहरण सर्वांत अधिक महत्त्वाचे मानले जाते.

मोहम्मद पैगंबराच्या थडग्याचे स्थान असलेले मदीना मक्केखालोखाल मुस्लिम धर्मामधील सर्वात पवित्र ठिकाण मानले जाते.

दुर्गाबाईंनी काढलेली चित्रे ही "कथारूप" आहेत असे मानले जाते.

त्याला १९व्या शतकाच्या पूर्वार्धातील सर्वश्रेष्ठ बुद्धिबळ खेळाडू मानले जाते.

भारतातील मातृभाषांची संख्या १६८३ असल्याचे मानले जाते.

महामुद्रा हा बौद्धमताच्या सर्व पवित्र ग्रंथांचा सारभूत संदेश आहे असे तिबेटी बौद्धमतात मानले जाते.

considered's Usage Examples:

Coaching careerStewart was considered as coach of the New Westminster Royals of the Pacific Coast Hockey League, but chose to take the reins of the senior A Chatham Maroons in the Ontario Hockey Association.

By changing the collocation between two of the existing signifiers, and so changing their original relationship, the relative significance of each signifier can be considered.

Therefore, in the 1970s, textbooks were replaced with Sundanese textbooks which are considered to be easier to understand because speakers of Sundanese language are closer.

However, in this example, both Haplorrhine as prosimians should be considered.

Destructoid's Tony Ponce compared the game's copying of Zelda to China Warrior's copying of Kung-Fu Master, and he pointed out what are also considered Zelda clones such as Crusader of Centy and Alundra for the Sega Genesis and PlayStation, respectively.

The Denkard, however, is not generally considered a sacred text by a majority of Zoroastrians but is still considered worthy of study.

In most regions, a torta was traditionally considered an inferior form of bread, as the well known Spanish aphorism expresses:{||A falta de pan buenas son tortas.

Cast films are considered the industry premium.

The electrical scoring apparatus encouraged an emphasis on the athletic and offensive (rather than defensive) aspects of fencing by altering the ways in which a touch would be considered valid.

It was considered a major disappointment in US Army service, however, primarily due to its poor off-road performance and its lack of overhead protection.

With strengths in home furnishings, men's apparel, and cosmetics, the chain was considered one of the most successful family-owned businesses in the country.

In a small city steeped in puritan moralism, she was the first to wear rouge on campus; she had multiple boyfriends, and she wore clothes that Miriam Van Waters, the editor of the Oregon Monthly, and Luella Clay Carson, the dean of women, considered improper.

John Huston had high hopes for this movie, even considered the original two-hour cut of the film as the best he had ever made as a director.


advised, well-advised,


uninformed, foolish, ill-advised,

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