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conically Meaning in marathi ( conically शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शंकूच्या आकाराचे

शंकूच्या आकाराच्या पद्धतीने,

conically's Usage Examples:

rapidly back and forth due to Faraday"s law of induction, which causes a diaphragm (usually conically shaped) attached to the coil to move back and forth.

To which Jones laconically replied: "Sorry, doctor, she slipped".

[Chekhov] for depicting so expressively and subtly, so poetically and yet laconically, both the nature and different types of human character," Viktor Burenin.

Crude versions of conically tapered ground glass joints have been made for quite a while, particularly.

Stelenreihe, "row of stelae," has been attributed to him and is inscribed laconically: "Erība-adad, king of the universe".

Lough Ce appear to be the only contemporary reference to Donn Sléibhe, laconically reporting that Donnsleibhe O"Gadhra mortuus est in the year 1181.

thought by some to derive from the Latin "Mons Acutus", referring to the conically acute St Michael"s Hill dominating the village to the west.

Fruit is medium-sized elongated conically shaped with very smooth skin and a high sugar content.

catite is a traditional Andalusian hat, which received its name from a conically shaped sweet.

Hugh Farrelly interviewed in The Irish Independent stated laconically that "France were significantly better over 80 minutes" and "Craig Joubert.

Lighthouse (the French name "Les Éclaireurs" means "the Scouts") is a slightly conically shaped lighthouse standing on the northeasternmost island of the five.

on the central market square Kohlmarkt in 1411, it was fitted with a conically tapered muzzle (calibre of 67–80 cm) which allowed the use of projectiles.

It is as if light emitted by a moving object is concentrated conically, towards its direction of motion; an effect called relativistic beaming.

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