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conifer Meaning in marathi ( conifer शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कोनिफर, शंकूसारखा, त्याचे झाड, शंकूच्या आकाराचे,


त्याचे झाड,

conifer मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

दक्षिण भारतीय शंकूच्या आकाराचे, वैज्ञानिकदृष्ट्या पोदोकारपस वॉलिचियानस म्हणून ओळखले जाते, पेरियार व्याघ्र प्रकल्पात जंगलात वाढतात.

नळीत गाळ साचून राहिला तर पाणी नळीच्या पृष्ठभागावरून वाहते, ज्यामुळे शंकूच्या आकाराचे अधोमुखी लवणस्तंभ तयार होतात.

ज्युलमॉन- प्रकार मातीची भांडी, सामान्यत: शंकूच्या आकाराचे असते आणि कंगवाच्या पॅटर्नसहित तयार केलेली होती.

हे पेलारक्टिक क्षेत्रातील एक समशीतोष्ण शंकूच्या आकाराचे वन आहे .

तिच्या वरील पृष्ठ्भागावर गोल , शंकूच्या आकाराचे अंकुरक असतात.

यामुळे गोलाकार किंवा शंकूच्या आकाराचे ऊर्ध्वमुखी लवणस्तंभ गुहेच्या तळावर तयार होऊ लागतात.

conifer's Usage Examples:

A Christmas tree is a decorated tree, usually an evergreen conifer, such as a spruce, pine, or fir, or an artificial tree of similar appearance, associated.

The grey brown mushrooms have yellowish decurrent gills and a bulbous stalk, and are found in deciduous and conifer woodlands.

coniferous forests which run across the continent.

broad-leaved trees) and "inversa" (associated with conifers and with a smoother shinier cap).

The biotic community of the Bradshaws ranges from interior chaparral and montane conifer.

Olaf"s candlestick (Norway), wood nymph, or frog"s reading lamp, is a plant of the family of Ericaceae, that is indigenous to moist coniferous.

Higher elevation montane habitats include temperate coniferous forests biome vegetation, including groves.

In 1988, the Woodland Grant Scheme replaced the Forestry Grant Scheme, paying nearly twice as much for broadleaf woodland as conifers.

creating a postmark with a simple motif with three conifers.

characterized by coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces, and larches.

"Kinetic study of coniferyl alcohol radical binding to the (+)-pinoresinol forming dirigent protein".

Also called the Himalayan alpine fir, Abies densa is a dominant conifer in the upper coniferous belt of the.

The Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is an evergreen conifer species in the pine family, Pinaceae.


Prumnopitys taxifolia, Podocarpus elongatus, spruce, pine tree, pine, Podocarpus amara, true fir, New Zealand white pine, dawn redwood, Falcatifolium taxoides, coniferous tree, Prumnopitys ferruginea, Podocarpus elatus, Dacrydium franklinii, Dacrydium bidwilli, matai, larch tree, Nageia nagi, Saxe-gothea conspicua, Dacrydium cupressinum, yellow-leaf sickle pine, cone, huon pine, celery pine, silver pine, podocarp, hemlock tree, arborvitae, yew, Prumnopitys amara, cypress tree, brown pine, Prince Albert"s yew, King William pine, rimu, New Zealand mountain pine, true pine, tar-wood, Rockingham podocarp, true cedar, nagi, Halocarpus bidwilli, Podocarpus spicata, Sciadopitys verticillata, fir, Japanese umbrella pine, Podocarpus totara, Athrotaxis selaginoides, Prumnopitys elegans, Pseudolarix amabilis, Cathaya, cedar tree, gymnospermous tree, Podocarpus ferruginea, Prumnopitys andina, yacca podocarp, douglas fir, imou pine, Podocarpus dacrydioides, Metasequoia glyptostrodoides, araucaria, Wollemi pine, tarwood, westland pine, Lagarostrobus franklinii, Dacrydium colensoi, cape yellowwood, black pine, Sundacarpus amara, African yellowwood, strobilus, hemlock, kauri pine, strobile, totara, kahikatea, cedar, Lagarostrobus colensoi, Prince Albert yew, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, plum-fruited yew, metasequoia, keteleeria, common sickle pine, New Zealand Dacryberry, fir tree, dammar pine, plum-yew, yacca, miro, larch, cypress, Podocarpus coriaceus, red pine, golden larch, Falcatifolium falciforme,


uglify, unfashionable, natural object,

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