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confiscated Meaning in marathi ( confiscated शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



जप्त करा, बेदखल करा, Crochet,

confiscated मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

७० पैकी ६३ जागांवरील काँग्रेस उमेदवारांचे डिपॉझिट जप्त झाले.

पण शेवटी कर्जफेड न करता आल्यामुळे ‘आल्हाद’वर जप्तीची नोटीस आली ही मराठी चित्रपटसृष्टीच्या इतिहासातील अतिशय दुर्दैवी घटना होती.

‘ओल इंडिया ट्रू ख्रिश्चन काउ या संस्थेने या पुस्तकाविरुद्ध मुंबई हायकोर्टात धाव घेऊन पुस्तकाची प्रत्येक प्रत जप्त करण्याची मागणी केली आहे.

जमीनदारांनी स्वैरपणे ठरवलेला आणि ब्रिटिश सरकारने मान्य केलेला हा शेतसारा किंवा दंड देऊ न शकलेल्या वाटेकरी, शेतकर्‍यांची घरे जवळ असलेली संपत्ती, पशुधन आणि अगदी कपडेसुद्धा जप्त करण्यात आले.

सर्व सत्याग्रहींची सुटका, जप्त केलेल्या तसेच लिलाव केलेल्या सर्व जमिनी मूळ मालकांना परत करणे तसेच निष्पक्ष आयोगाची नेमणूक अशा अटी सरदार पटेलांनी सरकारला सादर केल्या.

त्याने किल्ल्यातून सहाशे पंचाहत्तर मण धान्य, चाळीस मण सोरा व बंदुकीची दारू, सहा मोठ्या तोफा व जंबुरक असा माल जप्त केला.

एकूण झालेल्या मतदानाच्या १/६ पेक्षा कमी मते ज्या हारलेल्या उमेदवाराला मिळतात अशा उमेदवाराची अनामत रक्कम जप्त होते.

एवढेच नव्हे तर या वादाशी संबंध नसलेल्या छोट्या गावातील शेकडो ब्राह्मणांना च्या लहानसहान जमिनी जप्त करून त्यांना देशॊधडिला लावले.

[27] देशाच्या विविध भागांत मोठ्या प्रमाणात चलनातून बाद झालेल्या नोटा जप्त करण्यात आल्या.

10 डिसेंबरपर्यंत, 242 कोटी रुपयांच्या नवीन नोटा जप्त करण्यात आल्या आहेत.

संस्थाने जप्त झाली, खालसा झाली.

दीडशे रूपयांच्या कर्जापायी काळूराम सावकाराने पुणे जिल्ह्याच्या शिरूर तालुक्यातील करडे गावातील प्रतिष्ठित शेतकरी बाबासाहेब देशमुख यांची शेतीवाडी, स्थावर व जंगम मालमत्ता जप्त केली.

६० दिवसांची जप्तीची नोटीस बजावायची आणि कारखान्याची संपत्ती विक्रीस काढायची, अशी कर्जवसुलीची पद्धत रूढ झाली होती.

confiscated's Usage Examples:

The new prince immediately confiscated the Geréb heirdom, overriding his predecessor"s provision, and also accused Székely of being.

encouraged to invest in the scheme and English colonists were settled on land confiscated from the defeated rebel lords.

Unfortunately, Albumen has been illegally selling his confectionery on the Magdalen Bridge (in British imperial units), and all the fudge has been confiscated by the police as evidence.

He was defeated at Chesterfield in 1266, imprisoned, and all his properties were confiscated by the Crown.

Sicherheitsdienst confiscated the pictures of the wreath-laying ceremony, thinking that it could be dangerous for the German occupation policy in Lithuania.

He made humble submission, and when released retired to the estates of confiscated land he had.

The Meiji government based its industrialization program on tax revenues from private land ownership, and the Land Tax Reform of 1873 increased the process of landlordism, with many farmers having their land confiscated due to inability to pay the new taxes.

During his training, he was noted for his exceptional marksmanship, as well as for attacking the asylum staff with homemade slingshots which were promptly confiscated.

Broughton and Stanhope were confiscated (as were those other Jacobite sympathisers) and in 1761 it was still in the hands of creditors.

Orly Helpern of The Jerusalem Post writes that the lands were confiscated by the government for security purposes, and that they were subsequently used to build a military training camp, as well as new Jewish settlements.

During World War II, in 1942, the property of Colloredo-Mandsfeld family including the castle in Opočno was confiscated by the Nazis.

This action caused much lasting animosity from the prisoners because the police confiscated many of the prisoners' valuables.

The Franciscan remained in Altavilla until 1860, when with the Unification of Italy, many religious convent were confiscated.


garnish, seize, attach, garnishee, condemn, distrain, take, impound, sequester,


charge, dock, burden, lodge, give,

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