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cartwheel Meaning in marathi ( cartwheel शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कार्टव्हील, गाडीचे चाक,



cartwheel मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

- लुइस हॅमिल्टनच्या अपघाताचे कारण होते की त्याच्या गाडीचे चाक खराब झाल्यामुळे, त्याचे टायर फुटले होते.

उदाहरणार्थ, गाडीचे चाक हे गोल आहे.

cartwheel's Usage Examples:

1987 with the most gut wrenching spectacular ragdoll head-over-heels cartwheeling fall ever captured on film.

very broad category of hat; some versions may be similar to the halo or cartwheel hat.

On November 5, Humphreys and Lahm cartwheeled S.

Occasionally two tawny eagles will interlocks talons to descend rapidly, cartwheeling down 30 m or more within a few seconds, sometimes disengaging just before.

A tumbling or cartwheeling spacecraft can quickly roast, freeze or exhaust its battery power and.

Martin was so thrilled that when she sang it on stage, she performed cartwheels on the stage at every turn of "I"m in love.

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer dance throughout their number and perform acrobatic feats, including their trademark two-person cartwheels.

The right wing nicked the top of the brewery and the plane cartwheeled into the apartment house, killing the plane"s crew of six.

Queensland racegoers sporting cartwheel-shaped sunhats, 1939.

back to the city, not only torches and fanfare accompanied it, but also cartwheeling boys.

The car cartwheeled over the top, hit a large tree and plunged down through the trees to.

Lucy uses many kinds of gymnastics ( such as handsprings, cartwheels or rolls) in fighting to keep balance and defeat enemies.

Gera is known for his overhead-kick goals and his cartwheel to back-flip celebration, which he demonstrated in Fulham's Europa League quarter-final win against Juventus in 2010.


acrobatic stunt, acrobatic feat,


stay in place, push, curve,

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