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cartwheels Meaning in marathi ( cartwheels शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कार्टव्हील्स, गाडीचे चाक,



cartwheels मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

- लुइस हॅमिल्टनच्या अपघाताचे कारण होते की त्याच्या गाडीचे चाक खराब झाल्यामुळे, त्याचे टायर फुटले होते.

उदाहरणार्थ, गाडीचे चाक हे गोल आहे.

cartwheels's Usage Examples:

Martin was so thrilled that when she sang it on stage, she performed cartwheels on the stage at every turn of "I"m in love.

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer dance throughout their number and perform acrobatic feats, including their trademark two-person cartwheels.

Lucy uses many kinds of gymnastics ( such as handsprings, cartwheels or rolls) in fighting to keep balance and defeat enemies.

the song incorporates intense acrobatics, including a "shrimp jump", cartwheels and a leapfrog.

A "colorful player who used to humiliate opponents by turning cartwheels around the bases instead of running," Neal died in Springfield in 1947.

main features of the dance are the vigorous manipulation of skirts and petticoats, along with high kicks, splits, and cartwheels.

lying down, knee stands, sliding, forward and backward rolls, splits, handstands, cartwheels, and headstands.

These tradesmen made wheels for carts (cartwheels), wagons (wains), traps and coaches and the belt drives of steam powered.

Common connecting skills such as round-offs and handsprings have low difficulty values, and cartwheels have no value at all.

wrote that the death "had to be told without my voice, without linguistic cartwheels or jokes or any of the other circus tricks I learned to use.

the population and especially the children running for joy and making cartwheels on the streets .

Aerial cartwheels are also known by various other names, including side flip, side somersault, air cartwheel, no-hands cartwheels, or simply aerials.

manipulation of skirts and petticoats, along with high kicks, splits, and cartwheels.


acrobatic stunt, acrobatic feat,


stay in place, push, curve,

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